Saturday, June 24, 2006

Our allies at war on the soccer fields

I don't really think of myself as all that jingoistic, but it does get old after a while, hearing our allies, the British, French, and Germans talk about what a bunch of fat, rude, ignorant rednecks Americans are. At no time does it ever seem more ridiculous that when the Limeys, Frogs, and Krauts are fighting each other (up to and including killing each other) over a soccer match, as they are right now, during the world cup. . .


Anonymous said...

Allez les bleus, allez!

Keekee Brummet said...

Peuvent les grenouilles perdre chaque jeu!

Anonymous said...

Senor de cuello rojo,
Es futbol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you rude American Wanker,

It's real football not that bovine version of roller derby you know.

Keekee Brummet said...

You know, about the last thing I can tolerate is being called a wanker by some Cheesehead.

Let me just state that I was being nice earlier...I didn't actually comment one way or the other on soccer itself; just the behavior of the fans. As for soccer--it's just flat-out incomprehensible. You definitely get the impression the players (and definitely the fans) are all a little light on their feet.

Give me refrigerator-sized, dumb hucks pummeling the stuffing out of each other on the gridiron any day. At least I get what they're doing more or less.

In soccer, it seems like a room of cockroaches when you turn the lights on--senseless scurrying in every direction all at once.

Anonymous said...

Just like a Yank!! Isn't it your own footballers whose maniac fans sport hats that resemble great sections of American Cheese which you might not know is really not a cheese at all but more goop that the scroundrel Americans have smeared across the world.

Anonymous said...

Well, better fists and plastic chairs than guns and bombs like the last time.

I don't think us Yanks can afford another Marshall Plan bail out...