Friday, June 02, 2006

Politics, Oklahoma style

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Anonymous said...

The link is to a Newsweek article about "Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney discusses healthcare, gay marriage and whether he will become the first Mormon to run for the nation’s highest office."

I hope he does run. That will turn the spotlight on Mormonism.

Keekee Brummet said...

I wonder if that even matters?

I have no problem with Mitt's LDS-ishness. . .it's his politics I don't like. And whole Mormons probably do tend to vote in a block, does it matter.

The more I've learned about that religion, the more it seems like every other religion. There's things I don't the fact that dinosaur bones were planted here after beinbg imported from another planet. OK. But then I don't know if that is any less plausible than transubstantiation, or the idea that if you kill infidels along with yourself your reward will be 77 nibile virgins.

In any case, I doubt Mitt would be pinned down on the religious issues any more than a Lutheran or anyone else.

But it would be fun.

Interestingly, we know there will be a Mormon president someday. At least if the demographics bear out there comes a point in the not so distant future that LDS will comprise the majority--as I said, if demographics are correct, and if the LDS church continues its current growth trajectory.