Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Don't forget about 10Eastern Found Photos!

I have written about 10Eastern before, and always have a link on my top page. This is still, after years, one of my favorite sites on the internet. These found photos are disturbing, hilarious, puzzling, and sometimes, heartbreaking. 10 Eastern. Click here to jump to their site. They now have 126 "galleries."

This found photo reminded me of my friend Aunt Sassy , knowing her love of box wine. However I'm not sure that love would encompass the anti-freeze in the box above, nor would she drink directly from the box...except under very desperate circumstances...

click photograph to enlarge

1 comment:

Auntie Sassy said...

Come now Jack. I might be a whino, but I have SOME standards.

If it were a box of Black Box wine, then this would be a totally realistic comparision.
