Friday, September 08, 2006

Painting: Where is Fidel Castro?

click painting to enlarge

Where is Fidel anyhow? The last I heard, he was on the mend, and had lost forty pounds. The last photo I saw of him, he was wearing a snappy Nike [tm] warm-up suit and sprawling on what appeared to be some sort of chaise lounge.

This undated photo released Tuesday Sept. 5, 2006 by Granma,
the official publication of the Central Committtee of the Communist
Party of Cuba, shows Fidel Castro, who said, in a statement Tuesday
that he has lost more than 41 pounds since he had intestinal surgery
but added that the "most critical moment" was behind him. The
statement was accompanied by photographs of Castro during his

Yesterday, the President of Bolivia, a long-time friend of Castro, visited him in Cuba. "Morales' surprise visit came a day after Castro released a statement saying his stitches had been removed and that he felt well enough to receive "distinguished visitors," despite having lost some 41 pounds since the surgery."

So, why do I keep wondering where Fidel is? I'm not sure, but I do know that since I was very young, he has been part of the fabric of my life. There may be other world leaders in power as long as Castro, but he's been in power since January 9, 1959. . .since I was five years old. He outlasted De Gaulle, Churchill, Hailie Selassie, Kruschev, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, and Reagan. Forty-six years in power! He's been persistent, if nothing else.

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