Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is Mitt Romney The G.O.P. Guy? All This Is That calls Mitt Romney The Presidential Frontrunner.

Is Mitt Romney The Guy? From his public appearances, it looks like he's making a run. In my booklet, he's the frontrunner, despite what the conventional wisdon says about McCain. For all the reasons you've already heard. Some people say his biggest downside is that he is LDS--Mormon, a member of the Latter Day Saints. So what? The incomng majority leader is LDS. The Mormons believe in some crazy stuff. I believe in some really crazy stuff. And the rest of you all have your own jangled theology that may or may not in the long run end up being the final word on our situation. We have Mormon senators and governors--this is the next logical step.

Would I vote for Mitt Romney? You gotta be f***ing kidding me. He has taken numerous positions on issues like gay rights that I find repugnant. But he is the guy to watch. I think he's going to move toward the middle. The Republican base--which may no longer, after all, exist following the November 7 election--has nowhere else to go. John McCain, with all his curb appeal just seems to spook a lot of the faithful. Giuliani? People like him in theory, but he is a prickly fellow, and I don't think he could survive the political campaign. And, really, in the eyes of the Republicans he is just barely a Republican. . .

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