Monday, April 23, 2007

Hillary puts on her cracker accent for an African American audience in NYC

I knew she did this when she was in the hustings, way down south, but now she's using the southern twang in New York City. . .to a black audience. Here's the video:


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you feel about this but, for me, it is one of the traits that always troubled me about Bil and just seems flat out stupid coming from her. Anyway, I know that many want to write off Obama as a flash in the pan rock star without depth but I must say that he continues to surprise me with his poise on the campaign. I do think he and Axelrod are a good step quicker than Hill, Wolfson and McMcAulliffe. Did you see the clip from a recent NYC visit where Barack shared a stage with Al Sharpton at the Nat'l Action Network? A cell/pda ding-a-ling went off and as folks clutched for their own pockets and pocketbooks the Rev found that it was his own. and Barack, with a glorious smile settled the audience down saying "it's Reverend Sharpton's blackberry" and then with impeccable timing asked the Rev "is is Hillary" and then slapped him on the back as the audience and Al gushed with laughter.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't get me started on McMcAulliffe, that cross between Tony Robbins and a fish monger.