1. WASHINGTON (AP) By LIZ SIDOTI - Republican John McCain accused presidential rival Mitt Romney of flip-flopping on immigration Monday and said with sarcasm: "Maybe his solution will be to get out his small varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn." [All This Is That Editor's note: Sen. McCain is really referring here to two separate roadbumps the Romney campaign has encountered on the road to the White House
2. WASHINGTON (AP) By LIZ SIDOTI - McCain said: "Maybe I should wait a couple of weeks and see if it changes because it's changed in less than a year from his position before."

3. Reverend Al Sharpton on Paula Zahn's TV program on CNN - "If prior to `65, `78, whenever it was, they did not see blacks as equal, I do not believe that as real worshipers of God, because I do not believe God distinguishes between people. That`s not bigotry. That`s responding to their bigotry."

4. Rev. Sharpton in his debate with Christopher Hitchens: "As for the one running -- the one Mormon running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway. So don`t worry about that."
5. Christopher Hitchens in his new book, "God Is Not Great": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—hereafter known as the Mormons—was founded by a gifted opportunist who, despite couching his text in openly plagiarized Christian terms, announced that "I shall be to this generation a new Muhammad" and adopted as his fighting slogan the words, which he thought he had learned from Islam, "Either the Al-Koran or the sword."
5. Christopher Hitchens in his new book, "God Is Not Great": "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—hereafter known as the Mormons—was founded by a gifted opportunist who, despite couching his text in openly plagiarized Christian terms, announced that "I shall be to this generation a new Muhammad" and adopted as his fighting slogan the words, which he thought he had learned from Islam, "Either the Al-Koran or the sword."
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