Ralph Nader says he is seriously considering running for president in 2008 because he foresees another election with no real choice to voters.
"You know the two parties are still converging -- they don't even debate the military budget anymore," Nader said in a 30-minute interview. "I really think there needs to be more competition from outside the two parties."
Ralphie, or as he is known on All This Is That, "The Dingbat" has zero chance of winning the presidency should he run, but he knows he doesn't need to win to affect the outcome. Many Democrats blame Nader for siphoning enough votes away from Al Gore in Florida in 2000 to elect George W. Bush. Sure, I blame Al Gore too, but nonetheless, if The Dingbat had stood down, we wouldn't be facing the mess we've lived with these last 6 and a half years.
Ralph, Don't Do It!
Well, Jack, if we accept the sanctity of two party politics than Ralph can certainly be written off as a dingbat but don't you find some of his positions/arguments, especially the costs to America due to the corporatization of both parties even a little bit compelling? He is indeed a spoiler and a recalcitrant contrarian (a spirit for which you won't be surprised I find a natural kinship) but he seems genuinely thoughtful in most instances and smart. "Not like everyone says. Not dumb, smart"
Kev, I absolutely think he makes a lot of sense on a lot of things, but I'll never ever forgive him. For what he saddled us with for 8 years, he deserves a cap in the head. But yeah, he makes a lot of sense. Sometimes. I think Bloomberg will be a non-starter...I don't think he wants to spend the 500 million it would take, and it doesn't make sense to have two NYC mayors running against the NY Senator. I hope Ralph does run, because his numbers will be even moire negligible than last time...
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