The closer this contest comes to resolution—and it may be coming very soon— the more I regret that Sen. Joe Biden has not surged ahead. I wish we'd all realized sooner that he is the President we actually want. What a decent, thinking, sensitive, and funny man Joe Biden is and has been throughout his long career in Washington! He's almost always on the right side, he knows how to play hardball, and it's impossible not to like the guy. And he is up against congressional lightweights like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards—whose total congressional experience added up together doesn't even equal half of Biden's time. But, as correspondent Kev said, we know he doesn't have much of a chance...barring some tragedy or, say, a love child fostered between Hillary and Barack, Biden is pretty much dead in the water, with occasionally, hopeful, polling blips.
Unless things change dramatically, I will march off to my local caucus with the race decided. There will be pressure to go with the winner, but I'll vote for Biden and hope to convince enough other delegates to at least get one delegate from this state on his side.

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