It's not DefCon 5, but here is what the TSA expects you to do during a Yellow National Security Threal Level
- Develop a family emergency plan. Share it with family and friends, and practice the plan.
- Visit www.Ready.gov for help creating a plan.
- Create an “Emergency Supply Kit” for your household.
- Be informed. Visit www.Ready.gov or obtain a copy of “Preparing Makes Sense, Get Ready Now” by calling 1-800-BE-READY.
- Know how to shelter-in-place and how to turn off utilities (power, gas, and water) to your home. Examine volunteer opportunities in your community, such as Citizen Corps, Volunteers in Police Service, Neighborhood Watch or others, and donate your time.
- Consider completing an American Red Cross first aid or CPR course , or Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course .
- Review stored disaster supplies and replace items that are outdated. Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities.
- Ensure disaster supply kit is stocked and ready.
- Check telephone numbers in family emergency plan and update as necessary.
- Develop alternate routes to/from work or school and practice them.
- Continue to be alert for suspicious activity and report it to authorities.
We're still dealing with this shit 1000 years from now?
Good one! 1,000 more years? At least!
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