A sketch, detailing how the single bullet
theory works. Click to enlarge.
A batch of old documents linked to the slaying of President John F. Kennedy has reportedly been unearthed in Texas. The documents include a highly suspect transcript of a conversation between assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald's killer Jack Ruby that numerous people have thought is actually a work of fiction--a bogus conversation that was destined to be included in a novel about the JFK assassination conspiracy. This is according to a Dallas Morning News published on Sunday.

The newspaper said the Dallas County district attorney's office, which found the documents, would display them at a news conference on Monday morning.
The Morning News said the items from an old safe in a Dallas courthouse included personal letters from former District Attorney Henry Wade, the prosecutor in the Ruby trial. Jack Ruby shot Oswald two days after the president's death. There were also papers and records from Ruby's trial, a gun holster and clothing that likely belonged to Ruby and Oswald, D.A. Craig Watkins told the newspaper.

One item is sure to inflame the Kennedys, the surviving Warren Commission members, and the ranks of the dwindling but still vocal and cantankerous of the JFK conspiracy theorists. This is a conversation in which Oswald and Ruby allegedly discuss killing Kennedy to halt the mafia-busting agenda of his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy (ed's note: Jack Ruby, although Jewish, was allegedly an associate of La Cosa Nostra).
The Morning News said one theory about the transcript was that it was part of a movie script Wade was working on with producers, for a film that was never made.
As you know, the official U.S. government version of the murder is that Oswald acted alone when he shot Kennedy on November 22, 1963, as the president's motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository in downtown Dallas.
A few days later, Ruby shot Oswald dead at point-blank range as police were escorting their prime suspect. Live on national TV, which I remember, they played and replayed that whole long, weird weekend. Jack Ruby died some years later in prison.
I think that after 50 years not one shred of evidence exists to charge or even suspect anyone other than Oswald should be a clue to the clueless. Plenty of evidence against Oswald even if 90% were inadmissible. Conspiracies are nothing more than hearsay which is inadmissible for obvious reasons. Witnesses are unreliable. A body's movements have little to do with from where a shot is fired. Ruby was a flake and Oswald was a sociopath and a loser in life.
50 years makes for an ice cold case and actually there is no case, it was solved years ago. Give it a rest or pony up some actual cold hard evidence not papers hidden in a safe et al.
When you say "give it a rest," Bob, do you mean me, or the conspiracy theorists? I don't think I commented on the veracity of the new "evidence" at all. I was just reporting the facts of what I had read and learned. I tend to think that conspiracies are far more rare than we would mostly believe. Mainly because it would be extremely hard to keep 30, or 40, or more people's lips sealed. Unless you actually bumped off every single one of them. . . /jack
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