Maggie Williams: took control of the campaign
Senator Hillary Clinton, in public at least, keeps right on whistling past the graveyard. Yesterday, she campaigned across South Texas trying out a more grass-roots sort of message in at attempt to staunch her recent string of eight straight lost primaries in one week.
Patti Solis Doyle: out
Maggie Williams, a confidante of Mrs. Clinton when she was first lady, has taken control of the campaign since the departure last weekend of Patti Solis Doyle. Ms. Williams is running a daily triage on what ads to buy and is also expanding the inner circle of advisers to extend beyond the old Clinton crony network.
making Hillary more likable
According to insiders, the campaign is in shell-shock.
And cork it, Senator Barack Obama's camp yesterday declared the Clinton campaign doomed. Obama campaign manager David Plouffe said that Mrs. Clinton can't become the Democratic nominee without winning every remaining contest in "blowout form." In a conference call with reporters, he said that "even the most creative math" won't do it. Listening to the pundits on Hardball, I'd have to agree. Yes, Hillary has upset the pollsters and pundits over and over in this campaign, but this time it looks like there won't be any miracles; it's all over except for the wheezing.
The campaign may have really jumped the shark if Howard Wolfson has been designated to head their CHARM SCHOOL. Still they know how to sell razor slim margins as mandates for her candidacy. I'll wait and see.
It's true! Can you imagine. . . Wolfson charged with making Hill more likable? And they sack the uber-scrumptious, smart, and savvy Patti Doyle and handed that task over to this charm-school flunkee? Unbelievable. The stench of desperation now permeates the campaign like a whiff of a Chicago stocktard cesspool at high noon in July!
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