In what can only be a moment of madness during an interview with The Scotsman, Samantha Power, Obama's normally extremely bright key foreign policy aide, let slip the camp's true feelings about the former First Lady.
Her comments came as Sen. Obama, whose ass-whuppin' in Texas and Ohio were being blamed on the negative attacks on him, vowed to turn up the heat on Sen. Clinton over her claims to be the more experienced candidate, e.g., the person you want answering The Red Phone At 3:00 A.M.
Ms Power told The Scotsman Clinton would stop at nothing to seize the lead from Obama.
"We f***** up in Ohio," she admitted. "In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio's the only place they can win. "
"She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything," Ms Power said, hastily trying to withdraw her remark.
The bogtrotter Powers has really stepped in it this time. Click here to read the entire article in The Scotsman.
It was a hotheaded misguided remark, but it seems less egregious than Hillary's endorsement of McCain over Obama. I have to say that this is what sickens me about the Clintons.
Obama wins Wyoming and on Tuesday will have won Mississippi. Translation: He will preserve his lead of 150 pledged delegates and will have won January, February, & March while winning twice as many contests as Her Highness of Leibermunchenstein. Who's getting an ass whuppin?
Did she actually win TX? It looks Obama will edge her out in the final delegate tally there too. But that's no nevermind in the parallel universe called Hillaryland.
It's reality land, actually. I know you don't believe this, but Obama is taking serious damage on a daily basis now. I knew this would happen. Eventually, he would be forced to act like a real politician.
Like blowing up and walking out of a press conference.
Like firing one of the smartest people in his organization yesterday.
Like saying via back channels to ignore the pablum he's feeding to the voters. "Don't worry, we'll get behind NAFTA."
Like letting it be known that "Don't worry, we're not going to pull right out of Iraq."
You can rant all you want about "pledged delegates," but they're both going to come up short come this summer. And then Obama can make his case to the convention "I took Wyoming, I took Vermont," "I believe in real change for real people."
Obama being 100 votes ahead is hardly a mandate. It's clear this campaign in nervous. They should be.
The next thing I expect to happen is some clerk coming up with a long-buried photostat of a DUI or a drug violation.
Have you noticed how the fainting at rallies all of a sudden stopped?
Oh, I'm ranting am I? That's priceless, Jack, "I took Vermont, I took Wyoming and about 25 other states" and while 100, actually it's 150, is not a mandate neither is trailing by the larger number when there is no clear way for her to get any closer. But if you've dug up the photostat, you're right he's probably finished. If not, how badly does she have to take him in PA to finish him off? For all the strum and drang, she was leading by 20 points in TX & OH just a couple ago and she won OH by a dime and eked out a pop vote win in TX but lost the caucus. She netted a whopping 6 maybe 8 delegates for the night. Is that your gal's definition of a mandate? Cheerist.
She doesn't need a mandate anymore. Fact is, she's about to stop Obama dead in his tracks and he seems not be man enough to stop it.
No, she won't come to the convention with the necessary delegates. But neither will Obama. And who will you bet on to thread their way through the delegation challenges and procedural thicket that will surely be necessary to grab the nomination?
And there's this: if Hillary Clinton is as pathetic as you paint her, and Obama is still struggling against her, how do you think he will fare against Karl Rove and company come November?
All this crowing about Obama's big win in Wyoming? Two delegates he gained on her. If he keeps this up for another few hundred states, he'll snag the nomination!
Wow, Jack, you're starting to sound a little like Pat Buchanan. I don't remember calling your gal pathetic nor have I actually crowed about WYO, I only pointed out that her good night last Tuesday wasn't the resounding win that you insist it was. We'll see if she stops him in his tracks but I think Obama recognizes that throwing haymakers for all of the next round (seven long weeks) will be a waste. And while he may not man enough for you he's not stupid, he'll pick his spots.
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