"You know, I've just about had it with you nosy press c**ksuckers"
OK. He didn's say it. But I bet he was thinking it.
The New York Daily News reported today in an article by Michael Saul on an Obama press conference in San Antonio where the press treated Barack like a panini.
"An exasperated Barack Obama scurried away Monday from the toughest news conference of his campaign, telling reporters who kept shouting questions that he'd spent enough time on the grill."
"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions," Obamaa looking a little stunned, told shouting reporters as he fled the room. "We're running late."
The Clinton campaign and others have often said [ed's note: we think so too] that The Press regularly puts a blowtorch to Clinton as they lob softballs and creampuffs Obama's way.
First, they grilled him on his secret emissary to Canada, who told Canadian officials to ignore his babbling about NAFTA...the Obama emissaries essentially told the Canadians that all this dissing NAFTA was just to get votes, and that, once elected, it would be business as usual.
Obama last week categorically denied waffling on NAFTA, but after a Canadian official blew the scam, Obama admitted, "well, shucks, I guess we did send someone to Canada, after all." "When I gave you that information, that was the information that I had at the time," he said. [ed note: Richard Nixon moment No. 1].
Next up, the jackals of the press hit him once again on his troubling relationship with the corrupt, and soon to be convicted fun-raiser Tony Rezko, who went on trial in Chicago Monday on corruption charges. I find the issue troubling too, more for Obama's response than and possible crimes and miosdemeanors he committed. He is from Chicago, isn't he?
Onr reporter asked Obama why he was ducking the charges about Rezko?
Obama insisted he had told all at a news conference in Chicago media. "These requests, I think, can just go on forever. ..." and that he had furnished the pertinent information. [ed note: Richard Nixon Moment 2 - I bet I can come up with that exact same quote from Richard Nixon, who often insisted during the throes of Watergate that he had bent over backwards to povide information and that The Senate and reporters were being unreasonable.]
After a few more hardballs, Sen. Obama announced the press conference was finished. And one reporter shouted that he was dodging questions after claiming he wasn't.
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