All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Obama speaks to an adoring throng of Berliners
I listened to Obama's speech in Berlin this morning, on the anniversary of the American-British Berlin airlift, in answer to the blockade of West Berlin by the reds. It was a nuanced, well-modulated speech than had the crowd roaring and on its feet as much as any speech he has given to partisan Obamanites in America.
Senator John McCain, already running scared this week, with Obama scoring all the praise and headlines and sound bytes, should probably just stick his head in the oven and crank up the gas.
Maybe McCain can get some mileage out of whatever hacks he selects for Vice-President. Maybe he can continue to hammer away at Obama as an appeaser of terrorists. Maybe he can somehow seem young and vigorous. But I don't think so. This morning, hearing Barack Obama speak in Germany, I knew McCain was in deep, deep trouble.
Pablo, McTheuselah's campaign appears to have become a campaign of whiners. And the crap he's been slinging lately ain't straight talk it's straight dope, and not in a good way.
Hey, Pablo, what was John McCranky eating today in PA? Sauerkraut, he was keepin' it real at Schmidt's Restaurant and Sausage Haus
Gee Jack, maybe your UFO fascination isn't so crackpot after all:,23599,24070088-13762,00.html
That's right Klaus! Obama had 200,000 people in Berlin roaring, while John McCain sat in a diner in Pennsylvania choking down weinerschnitzel and trying to look like he wasn't literally withering on the view.
Hey Pete -- Crackpot!? Actually, you probably know it's more a fascination with the folklorish/storytelling aspects of UFOs/Aliens...and yet, yeah, I do keep the door open. I mean, I haven't seen any convincing evidence one way or the other really. And it's stories like the one you point out that are pretty tantalizing--where someone apparently sane, and respected, comes out with a bombshell like that... /jack
Total tease Jack (never take me too seriously). Myself, I pretty much think it's all swamp gas/mass delusions but the occasional article like this does give one pause...
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