By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor
Ralph "Dingbat" Nader called Politico.com today to tell them he didn't think Barack Obama would select Senators Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, or Virginia Governor Tim Kaine as his running mate. The political mastermind--who these days is perhaps best known as the spoiler in the 2000 election who allowed George Bush to become President--offered his bizarre theory that Hillary Clinton has the VP slot in the bag.
"I don’t think he’s that dumb,” said Nader, commenting on public "short list" of Obama’s choices.
"The smart pick, " Nader said, "is Hillary Rodham Clinton."
Nader phoned Politico Tuesday afternoon to prediction a surprise choice of Clinton is what Obama has had in mind all along. But what about their apparent distrust and distaste for each other after the bruising primary battled? “He just has to swallow hard and do what JFK did” when he chose rival LBJ as his running mate in 1960.
The liberal "activist" and maverick (renegade, rogue?) presidential candidate has spoken. Was my article about Joe Biden yesterday wrong? No way. . .and if you believe anything that comes out of his piehole, well then friendo, I have some land in Florida I'd like to sell you.
Hope they can read between the lines.
'Denigrate Ralph to your own peril'
nader paul kucinich gravel
mckinney ventura too
perot charts
Would that be because he'll come after me with all he's got when he becomes President?
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