Monday, September 08, 2008

Weekend surprise visit to Afghanistan: Candidate Palin pilots a bomber and bombs Taliban cave hideouts in Tora Bora

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By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

The McCain campaign (quite likely rightly) decided they did not want VP nominiee Sarah Palin appearing solo on the rounds of Sunday talk shows, going head to head with the pundits and tastemakers; not this week anyway. So, they did the next best thing. They put her on a jet to Afghanistan, where she arrived Saturday morning and hooked up with the military heavies on arrival--two Majors and a Brigadier General were new Pail fans, as it turned out. The three commanders convinced the Governor to come along on a bombing mission over a potential Al Qaeda target holding at least a couple of the Al Qaeda high command.

The self-described "pitbull in lipstick" readily agreed to the ride-along. Nine minutes into the flight, Major John Newton, urged Palin to take the controls. She piloted the bomber for 17 minutes, until they were nearing the "hot zone." As they arrived at the targets, Newton again sought Palin's participation, and the Governor pushed the button on six SmartBombs
® as the attack planes neared their targets.

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