Governor Palin surrounded by supporters at a Saturday rally
By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor
On three separate occasions Saturday (and likely more by now), Sarah Palin played the race card, saying "This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America." He is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
Her reference to Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, is an out and out lie; not her usual clueless blatherings, but a willfully confected prevarication. They were on some boards in Chacago together, but no one recalls them being "pals." Obama was still a kid when the Wearthermen threw their last bombs, and has denounced their actions on numerous occasions. By saying he is "not like us" she not so subtly suggests the Hawaii-born Obama with a Nigerian father is not really an American at all. Of course, John McCain wasn't even born in the United States. But never mind that.
Playing the race card in front of her almost exclusively white audiences is a clear demonstration of just how desperate the McPalin campaign has become. Unfortunately, even in a tight race, character assassination takes more than four weeks. Perhaps it is time for some more interviews with the Governor.
Palin's debate performance, as pathetic as it was, has clearly emboldened the campaign. This is not particularly shocking when you recall Senator McCain's track record on racial matters: he opposed a National Holiday to honor Martin Luther King, and later refused to call for for the removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina's Capitol.
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