All This Is That National Affairs Editor
As we wrote earlier, McCain has been forced to appeal for calm, responding to boos from a crowd on Friday: “I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president.” He later snatched the microphone later from a woman who suggested Senator Obama was an Arab.
This past weekend, civil rights leader and congressman John Lewis said the atmosphere at Republican rallies was similar to those of George Wallace, the segregationist presidential candidate. “Senator McCain and Governor Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division.”
At a weekend campaign event in Iowa, McCain was forced to repudiate a pastor who introduced McCain saying that millions of foreigners were praying to “Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his opponent wins”.
Most Republican insiders and even the rank and file openly admit the McCain-Palin campaign has been desperately adrift, flailing against the economic storms, farcically suspending the campaign to fix the economic problems facing the nation, and having to carry the increasingly heavy baggage of Governor Palin. An Alaskan legislative commission on Friday concluded she had "abused her powers as Alaska Governor by trying to orchestrate the sacking of a state trooper who was her former brother-in-law." Sarah Palin's rallies have generated ugly racial sound clips and both she and McCain appear unable to control their supporters.
In short, it's about time to break out the oxygen and put this campaign in the I.C.U.

Time to pull the draw sheet over the patient?—click to enlarge
Over the weekend, in between trying to seem like a decent person (and possibly rescue some good will for when he trudges back to the Senate in defeat) at his increasingly hate- and invective-filled rallies, John McCain huddled with advisors, struggling to formulate an economic plan that won't be laughed off the stage at this week's debates. We'll see the fruits of those discussions in just a couple of days.
from the time Palin started with her palling around with terrorist, this campaign was DOA (couldn't resist! hehe!)
Indeen Ven- Palin is certainly an asset to the Obama/Bidan ticket... thanks for your help Palin!
Jack, how's your optimism three weeks out now that Palin and her flack husband, the crude dude, have made white trash look like an eco friendly recylcing program?
I am not so superstitious that I can't acknowledge the toughness and class of Obama's team. Did you see Robert Gibbs out fox Sean Hannity over the association game?They are steps ahead of McCoot and his flacks. Imagine a DEM PREZ with a willing and able congress.
As for Chicken McNuggets' taunt that he will whip O's butt duirng tomorrow's debate, I bet the only thing he whips up is a froth of desperation. I am looking for flop sweat and spittle.
Well, what did you expect?
Kev, I am guardedly optimistic, balanced with a long history of seeing people like Stevenson, McGovern, Kerry, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Humphrey, et al in action, most of them blowing sizable leads.
If Obama was white, he'd be ahead by 20 points.
I don't rule out them pulling anything out of their hats tomorrow night. But after a weekend of tamping down the storm troopers, I think we'll see a mellow McCain. I wish Obama could run YouTube clips of this weekend during the debates!
Obama's team has done very well.
It's a good day. And tomorrow will be even better!
OK, you sent a chill through my body but isn't Obama's lead holding up much later into the campaign season than those DEM folks, also. And by comparison, McTwit Phalin appear to be running on the rims. The timing of the Keating video hints that Obama has a vault of prepped info and that he will hit back with a fury to overwhelm McDud's crap. Let's hope I'm right and that we see a President Obama.
You're right. His lead appears to be solid. But then Humphrey dropped ten points in a few short weeks. And Truman came from way behind in a matter of a couple of rspidly, they printed the famous Dewey Wins headline.
But I do think it's almost in the bag, yeah. Woohoo.
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