by Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor
In an interview with Charles Gibson yesterday, Senator Obama threw down to Senator John McCain.
"We've been seeing some pretty over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last several days," Obama told Charlie Gibson, "he wasn't willing to say it to my face. But I guess we've got one last debate. So presumably, if he ends up feeling that he needs to, he will raise it during the debate."
That's just about as close as you can come to throwing down the gauntlet, and calling the "war hero" a gutless pansy.
Barack Obama's situation reminds me of something Adlai Stevenson once said:
"I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them."---o0o---
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