Sunday, November 02, 2008

POTUS 35 - President John F. "Jack" Kennedy: Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye

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President John F. "Jack" Kennedy was only President for 1,000 days. He got into two hairy situations with Cuba. He was another President who liked to party, and despite having a good looking, intelligent wife, he had numerous girlfriends, including Judith Exner, Angie Dickinson, and Marilyn Monroe.

JFK was killed under still mysterious circumstances in November, 1963. Five years later, his brother (Attorney General, and for all intents and purposes Chief of Staff, Chief Domestic and Foreign Policy Advisor, and Secretary of Defense and State), Bobby underwent an incredible transformation, and would surely have been elected President in 1968, had he, too, not been murdered by a deranged assassin. His younger brother Teddy made a couple of runs at the White House, but never got the traction he needed, and went on to become one of the longest-serving Senators of all time.

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