All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Governor Sanford weeps at a press conference yesterday. He also claimed he spent five days crying in a Buenos Aires hotel room after ending his affair.

John Ensign and his playmate (an employee and wife of a friend)
In the days of the Lewinksy-Clinton scandal, both Mark Sanford and John Ensign called on Bill Clinton to resign the Presidency after his affair. So far, they don't appear to be following the same advice. . .aside from resigning from a few positions and committees.
Elliott Spitzer talked about family values. John Edwards talked about the sanctity of his marriage. Both Sanford and Ensign have said plenty of sanctimonious things in their careers. We won't call them former careers quite yet. At least Sanford followed the fifty mile run and took it out of the country. Ensign's affair was with a family friend.
Neither of the two currently in the doghouse have indicated they might Do The Right Thing. Oh, and hey, Mark Sanford. . .did you really spend five days in your hotel room in Argentina crying? Were you crying over having to break it off with the hot Argentine babe, or about having to go home to your wife. And the voters?
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