Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Poem: Tidiness is a phobia...or is it a mania?

Tidiness is phobia,
Cleanliness delusion,
And order, madness.

So much is lost--
Love, music, art,
Books, walks, and idle moments

Of shocking profundity and beauty,
Put on hold or abandoned.
Dr. Lister would be appalled.

We've become a nation of
Wielding sprayers, wipes, and germicides,

Madly laving away
The sepsis and cooties--
Scrubbing for dear life.

Cleanliness and tidiness
Are a bulwark
Against the inevitable.

Tidiness to the extreme
Exterminates the connections
Between the parts.

No one ever said
On their deathbed
I wish I'd had fewer dust bunnies.

- Jack Brummet

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