Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Occupy No. 9 - "Unscrew the locks from the doors!"

by Jack Brummet

Thanks to Walt Whitman for the quote. See the footnote [1] (a/k/a what Ed Sanders coined a "satellite data cluster") for details on the images on the poster.

[1]  Notes on the images:  a sign on Wall St. itself; a stealth banner on Ballard's Market Street (Ballard is Jack's neighborhood in Seattle) that was removed after one day; Giotto's painting of Jesus rousting the moneychangers outside the temple; the New York Stock Exchange Building, photographer unknown; a scene from from the film "Frankenstein" (the source of the ever-popular torches and pitchforks meme...before memes had that name); an engraving of the "Storming of the Bastille"; "take out the trash is a reference to one of the best episodes of "The West Wing."

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