Sunday, December 18, 2011

One more Sen. John McCain temper tantrum

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
Photo source unknown; painting by Jack Brummet

Senator John McCain [1] is outraged that President Obama actually did what he said he would do in his 2008 campaign.  He said he would end the war in Iraq.  Our last troops left Iraq last week.

McCain gave a short speech in the Senate last week, where he said "I believe history will judge Obama's leadership with the scorn and disdain it deserves".

In 2004, AND 2008,  the American people showered Senator McCain with the same scorn and disdain he piled on The President last week.  We, The People, rejected him in both the 2004 primary/caucus season, and in his disastrous and embarrassing run with Ex-Governor Sarah Palin.


[1]  Remember when the Democrats pitched McCain as a possible running mate for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 [what a difference eight years makes]? 

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jodi Wilgoren wrote in the NY Times in May 2004:
The enthusiasm of Democrats for Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican, is so high that even some who have been mentioned as possible Kerry running mates -- including Senator Bill Nelson of Florida and Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska senator -- are spinning scenarios about a ''unity government,'' effectively giving Mr. Kerry a green light to reach across the political aisle and extend an offer.

''Senator McCain would not have to leave his party,'' Mr. Kerrey said. ''He could remain a Republican, would be given some authority over selection of cabinet people. The only thing he would have to do is say, 'I'm not going to appoint any judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade,' '' the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, which Mr. McCain has said he opposes.

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