Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Poem: [you can't see earth]

By Jack Brummet

[you can’t see earth]

You can't see earth
From the dark side of the moon
But maybe that changes

With the accelerating deceleration
Of the moon and earth.
A waning Gibbous moon

Dangles 1.3 light seconds away
And The Sea of Tranquility
Looks like a menacing sinkhole.

The moon
And the fog
Are in cahoots.

The mist slithers in,
Wraps itself around houses,
Trees, shrubs, and churches,

And threads its way
Along the ground,
Like a horror movie fog.

I wonder if the fog and moon
Really trigger
Mayhem, madness, and murder?

But then I don't actually know
If our brains have tides,
Or if they do, if it matters.

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