Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hagop Sandaldjian's microminiature sculptures at the Jurassic Museum

By Jack Brummet, Arts Editor

Hagop Sandaldjian was a musician and music theorist who later in life, became an artist, creating "microminiatures"-- tiny sculptures resting on the eye of a needle.  The sculptures took a long time to create, and a sneeze, or even a slight movement could destroy the work in an instant.  The Jurassic Museum in Culver City has a great exhibit of his work (among their many other great exhibits). I shot these images of his work through magnifying glass viewers at the museum using an iPhone (and with a photography permit where I promised I wouldn't sell the images to you. 

The challenge he created for himself was that each sculpture had to be small enough to fit through the eye of a needle!

You can read more about Sandaldjian here, on the Museum's website. 


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