Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Broken Bone: a Donald Rumsfeld poem created from an interview with Bob Woodward

By Jack Brummet, Poetry Editor

A Broken Bone [1]
By Donald Rumsfeld

[1] I created this  poem from an interview between Rummy and Bob Woodward on July, 2006.

Click on Rummy and President Ford to enlarge

If you don't set it,
Everything grows around the break
And you end up with that abnormality.

I used the phrase it's like teaching
A youngster how to ride a bicycle.
You run behind them with your hand in the seat.

At some point you've got to take some fingers off,
And then you've got to let go,
And they might fall.

You help pick them up and put them back on it.
But if you don't take your hand off,
You end up with a 40-year-old who can't ride a bike.

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