Sunday, October 09, 2016

Donald J. Trump's reverse bandwagon juggernaut

By Jack Brummet, National Affairs Ed.

As a politics geek, it's fascinating watching this shipwreck, especially the accelerating Reverse Bandwagon Juggernaut of friends and foes jumping off as the boat takes on water and lists even further. It's actually hard now to feature just how the debate tomorrow will look.
Mr. Donald J. Trump has nothing to lose. It's coming down to a Captain Queeg moment tomorrow night. Maybe DJT will come out all contrite, and every answer will be like a cocktail of Socrates, Jesus, and Bobby Kennedy; but you know he's going to come in hot. And I think probably half of HRC's debate prep must be based on the five or six targeted crooked Hillary accusations.
It is good fortune for Hillary that the WikiLeaks release of her speeches for corporations occurred just when this whole firestorm went down. They are virtually unnoticed.
So tomorrow we'll see contrition, defiance, or savage counterattacks and scorched earth craziness. Or, something like, I apologized yesterday, now let's move on to Crooked Hillary and these WikiLeaks. Will they pillory him? Will the moderators and/or the audience pile on? For all we know, more Trump tapes will appear tomorrow (his Apprentice 1st and 2nd season producer says there are tapes that make the Access Hollywood tapes look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm).
I'm not sure an amazing performance tomorrow can make a difference now. Stay tuned, eh?

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