Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Shorts: tiny poems

by Jack Brummet

He was ready to live again
Even if living just meant running
To keep ahead of the ghosts.


It’s so still and calm
In the mosque,
You could hear a fly expire.


You think one thing,
Say another,
And do a third.


A roiling thunderstorm clears the air
Like Wyatt Earp's peacekeeper                    


When you strip away the stage flats, makeup, and costumes,
It’s all one story starring our private heroes and dreams.


The Marriage

Two tattered mannequins
Prop each other up
In the Salvation Army Store window


Take the worst that could happen
And add two zeros.


High fidelity clouds gather over 
The tattered stage flats of a world on fire.


It's Getting Crowded

We cover the earth with Venn Diagrams
As our steps bisect old steps.

Weather Report

Life is a raindrop
Sizzling as it skitters
Across the universal griddle.



There is no tomorrow
until we get through
the day after yesterday

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