House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted Sen. Joe Lieberman on Wednesday for his "totally irresponsible" remarks about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and warned that the Senate might retaliate by revoking Lieberman's committee chairmanship (if they take control and no longer need his 51st vote).
Pelosi chastised some of Hillary Rodham Clinton's more vitriolic supporters for being "less than gracious" toward Obama. She did, however, praise the Senator for supporting Obama after their brutal primary fight.
Pelosi's interview with KGO Radio (810 AM) talk show host Ronn Owens [who was on the KGO in the mid 80's when I lived there] in San Francisco is certain to roil the Clinton backers, despite the fact they got their wish to have her name placed in nomination. But the House speaker's excoriation of Lieberman, was the big news and is certain to please hard core Democrats, who are angry at Lieberman's continual rips on Obama.
On Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Senator Lieberman questioned Obama's patriotism, calling the election a choice "between one candidate, John McCain, who has always put his country first, worked across party lines to get things done, and one candidate that has not."
Pelosi was asked by a caller on Owens' show what could be done about the attacks from Lieberman, the Democrats' 2000 vice presidential nominee who, though an independent, still caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate. "One of their best weapons, of course, is someone who is considered by some to be a Democrat."
Pelosi mentioned the timidity of Senate Democrats taking on Lieberman while his vote is crucial to preserving the Democrats' 51-49 majority. And she alluded to the fact that Lieberman's top spot on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will be in jeopardy if Democrats gain seats in the Senate in November.