Showing posts with label Adolph Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adolph Hitler. Show all posts
Monday, July 17, 2017
The "Hitler Heater Ad"
by Jack Brummet
In 1999, a Taiwanese company published its infamous "Hitler Heater Ad." The ad for a German-made heater used a cartoon image of Adolf Hitler alongside the heater. A company rep explained, "We decided to use Hitler because as soon as you see him, you think of Germany. It leaves a deep impression." [Taipei Times - Nov 23, 1999]
Friday, April 11, 2014
Easter eggs for Hitler
By Jack Brummet, World War II Ed.
On Easter Sunday, 1945, almost 70 years ago now, Sergeant William E. Thomas and Private First Class Joseph Jackson put together a special “Easter Eggs” gift for Adolph Hitler and the German Army.

On Easter Sunday, 1945, almost 70 years ago now, Sergeant William E. Thomas and Private First Class Joseph Jackson put together a special “Easter Eggs” gift for Adolph Hitler and the German Army.

Monday, January 27, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
New York Times Dec. 20, 1924: Hitler "no longer to be feared":
Found by Jack Brummet
Police identikit sketch by Jack Brummet
Photograph by Heinrich Hoffman
Police identikit sketch by Jack Brummet
Photograph by Heinrich Hoffman
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Mockups of how Adolph Hitler might have gone undercover to evade the Allies
By Jack Brummet
In the mid-1940's, the U.S. Government created these mockups to show what Hitler might look like in disguise had he decided to try and elude the Allies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Heinrich Hoffman's stunning photos of The Fuhrer that Hitler ordered destroyed
By Jack Brummet, World War II Ed.
After seeing the photographs, Hitler ordered Hoffmann to destroy the negatives. Hoffman instead tucked them away, where they were discovered by the Allies after the war.
Egon Hanfstaengl, the son of Hitler's foreign press officer, said in a documentary, Fatal Attraction Of Hitler: "He had that ability which is needed to make people stop thinking critically and just emote."
These photographs are considered to be in the public domain in the US due to their status as seized Nazi property (otherwise their copyrights would not yet have expired).
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Adolph Hitler's Skull
By Jack Brummet, History Ed.
This image is an X-ray of Adolph Hitler's head, presumably shot sometime after April 30th, 1945, when the allies located his body following his suicide. The dark areas around the mouth show his crowns and fillings. . .
This image is an X-ray of Adolph Hitler's head, presumably shot sometime after April 30th, 1945, when the allies located his body following his suicide. The dark areas around the mouth show his crowns and fillings. . .
click to enlarge
Other recent ATIT articles on Adolph Hitler:
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Hitler's face appears in a pizza box (shades of the Shroud of Turin and Jesus tortillas)
By Mona Goldwater, Germany Ed.
Thanks to reader Jeff Clinton for this one! No word if it is out on eBay yet. And, yeah, we also strongly wonder whether or not this was crafted. /Mona
Thanks to reader Jeff Clinton for this one! No word if it is out on eBay yet. And, yeah, we also strongly wonder whether or not this was crafted. /Mona
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Adolph Hitler enjoys a console game?
By Mona Goldwater, German Studies Ed.
Thanks to Jeff Clinton for passing this one along. We don't know the context or provenance, or the 'shopper!
Thanks to Jeff Clinton for passing this one along. We don't know the context or provenance, or the 'shopper!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Is Joseph Goebbels photobombing Adolph Hitler?
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
Adolph Hitler signing autographs. Is Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels photobombing?
Adolph Hitler signing autographs. Is Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels photobombing?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Adolph Hitler tea kettle
By Jack Brummet, Commerce Ed.
The beleaguered JC Penney company withdrew this kettle today. It caused an international uproar after people decided that it looked like Adolph Hitler. And it kind of does.
The beleaguered JC Penney company withdrew this kettle today. It caused an international uproar after people decided that it looked like Adolph Hitler. And it kind of does.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
"Heil honey, I'm home!"--a twisted TV pilot
By Jack Brummet, SitCom Editor
[Thanks to Jeff Clinton for passing this along]
Hitler stars in a very strange and twisted TV pilot from 1990. Sort of "holocaust meets the Honeymooners." It's hardly a wonder this show did not get past its pilot episode.
"The setup is both simple and totally insane. Adolf Hitler stands in for Ralph Kramden, with his trusty wife Eva Braun going bam-zoom right to Berlin. His day-to-day consists of being Chancellor of Germany's National Socialist party and hiding his plans for global domination from the Allied forces. Across the hall, two Jewish tenants, Arny and Rosa Goldenstein, Hitler’s the nosy, overbearing neighbors, make the Führer’s life a living hell." (From Splitsider.com).
[Thanks to Jeff Clinton for passing this along]
Hitler stars in a very strange and twisted TV pilot from 1990. Sort of "holocaust meets the Honeymooners." It's hardly a wonder this show did not get past its pilot episode.
"The setup is both simple and totally insane. Adolf Hitler stands in for Ralph Kramden, with his trusty wife Eva Braun going bam-zoom right to Berlin. His day-to-day consists of being Chancellor of Germany's National Socialist party and hiding his plans for global domination from the Allied forces. Across the hall, two Jewish tenants, Arny and Rosa Goldenstein, Hitler’s the nosy, overbearing neighbors, make the Führer’s life a living hell." (From Splitsider.com).
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Photo: Hitler's Party Games (probably NSFW)
Submitted by a reader, who can't remember where they found it. . .TinEye finds the images on numerous sites, but none of them appear to have originated the photo. . .
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
The bookburner "Reverend" Terry Jones' war on Islam
By Dr. Jack Brummet (PhD, Theology, Universal Life Church)
Ethics and Social Mores Editor
Research and fact checking by Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor
Until last week, really, Pastor Terry Jones ministered in much-deserved obscurity. A week later, he is talked about by General Petraeus and President Obama, and implored to abandon this senseless act. Dove World Outreach Center, and the dingbat behind Burn A Quran Day have become front page in the old media, and fodder for thousands of blogs and websites. Jones' Dove World church numbers about 50 people. If you want to read about the "reasoning" behind all of this, read the Doctor's own diatribe, Ten Reasons To Burn a Koran."
Jones calls himself "Doctor," which may or may not be true. Jones says in a deposition that he received an honorary doctorate of theology degree from the California Graduate School of Theology in 1983 (not unlike the degree I received in the mid 90's). The school is not unaccredited, and, so far, no one has confirmed whether or not Jones was actually awarded an honorary degree.
CBS News procured a transcript from a recent court case that shows Jones actually knows close to nothing about his incendiary cause. In a deposition, Jones described how he and his wife learned what they know about Sharia Law (the sacred laws of the Muslim religion) by--get this!--watching YouTube videos.
In a statement last week, General David Petraeus--US commander of the Afghan war--expressed concern that the planned burning of the Koran would be a propaganda coup for Islamic extremists and would ineluctably lead to further violence against Americans overseas.
Dr. Jones said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by US commander General Petraeus over his plans to burn the Koran, but he remained adamant the event would proceed anyway.
I've always been proud of being a Jones (I'm 50%). And now this ass-clown has besmirched that great name. Can he really believe his own drivel? Is he trying to pump up his church's membership. . .or is he, perhaps, angling for a shot at Dancing With The Stars?
Burning books? Burning Bibles and sacred scriptures? Terry Jones seems more bent on emulating Adolph Hitler than on sending a message to the Muslim world. It's popular among evangelicals to ask "What Would Jesus Do?" One thing I think we all know is-- Jesus. Would. Not. Do. This.
Pablo Fanque, our national affairs editor has another take on this, which I believe he will be posting shortly...
Ethics and Social Mores Editor
Research and fact checking by Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Editor
Until last week, really, Pastor Terry Jones ministered in much-deserved obscurity. A week later, he is talked about by General Petraeus and President Obama, and implored to abandon this senseless act. Dove World Outreach Center, and the dingbat behind Burn A Quran Day have become front page in the old media, and fodder for thousands of blogs and websites. Jones' Dove World church numbers about 50 people. If you want to read about the "reasoning" behind all of this, read the Doctor's own diatribe, Ten Reasons To Burn a Koran."
Jones calls himself "Doctor," which may or may not be true. Jones says in a deposition that he received an honorary doctorate of theology degree from the California Graduate School of Theology in 1983 (not unlike the degree I received in the mid 90's). The school is not unaccredited, and, so far, no one has confirmed whether or not Jones was actually awarded an honorary degree.
Jones was asked "Do you know where Sharia law came from?"A normal person would steer clear of the Quran burnings. We agree on that.
"Not really, no," he said, "I think there's experts that say it came from the old Mosaic law. But no."
The lawyers asked Jones how many Muslims he knows.
"I don't think I know any personally," he said, "I haven't interviewed any."
Jones also said that he has not attended any interfaith discussions. In fact, he said that he believes that such discussions are part of "our problem."
When asked why his church has shrunk dramatically in size, Dr. Jones hit it right on the head:
"I think mainly just because the things we're involved in are just really way too hot for your normal Christian and your normal person."
In a statement last week, General David Petraeus--US commander of the Afghan war--expressed concern that the planned burning of the Koran would be a propaganda coup for Islamic extremists and would ineluctably lead to further violence against Americans overseas.
Dr. Jones said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by US commander General Petraeus over his plans to burn the Koran, but he remained adamant the event would proceed anyway.
I've always been proud of being a Jones (I'm 50%). And now this ass-clown has besmirched that great name. Can he really believe his own drivel? Is he trying to pump up his church's membership. . .or is he, perhaps, angling for a shot at Dancing With The Stars?
Burning books? Burning Bibles and sacred scriptures? Terry Jones seems more bent on emulating Adolph Hitler than on sending a message to the Muslim world. It's popular among evangelicals to ask "What Would Jesus Do?" One thing I think we all know is-- Jesus. Would. Not. Do. This.
Pablo Fanque, our national affairs editor has another take on this, which I believe he will be posting shortly...
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
The sole recording of Hitler in private converation...(with English transcript)
What Hitler says to Mannerheim is surprising--he claims that Germany intended to attack West already in 1939 but weather postponed it to 1940.
Hitler also claims that the East offensive was delayed by difficulties in North Africa and the Balkans; in 1940 Germany couldn't have defended the critically important Rumanian oil fields against Soviet Union's attack; that's why Hitler bought time by prolonging the negotiations with Stalin and encouraged the Finns to do the same.
Hitler: ...a very serious danger, perhaps the most serious one - it's whole extent we can only now judge. We did not ourselves understand - just how strong this state [the USSR] was armed.
Mannerheim: No, we hadn't thought of this.
Hitler: No, I too, no.
Mannerheim: During the Winter War - during the Winter War we had not even thought of this. Of course...
Hitler: (Interrupting) Yes.
Mannerheim: But so, how they - in reality - and now there is no doubt all they had - what they had in their stocks!
Hitler: Absolutely, This is - they had the most immense armaments that, uh, people could imagine. Well - if somebody had told me that a country - with...(Hitler is interrupted by the sound of a door opening and closing.) If somebody had told me a nation could start with 35,000 tanks, then I'd have said: "You are crazy!"
Mannerheim: Thirty-five?
Hitler: Thirty-five thousand tanks.
Another Voice In Background: Thirty-five thousand! Yes!
Hitler: We have destroyed - right now - more than 34,000 tanks. If someone had told me this, I'd have said: "You!" If you are one of my generals had stated that any nation has 35,000 tanks I'd have said: "You, my good sir, you see everything twice or ten times. You are crazy; you see ghosts." This I would have deemed possible. I told you earlier we found factories, one of them at Kramatorskaja, for example, Two years ago there were just a couple hundred [tanks]. We didn't know anything. Today, there is a tank plant, where - during the first shift a little more than 30,000, and 'round the clock a little more than 60,000, workers would have labored - a single tank plant! A gigantic factory! Masses of workers who certainly, lived like animals and...
Another Voice In Background: (Interrupting) In the Donets area?
Hitler: In the Donets area. (Background noises from the rattling of cups and plates over the exchange.)
Mannerheim: Well, if you keep in mind they had almost 20 years, almost 25 years of - freedom to arm themselves...
Hitler: (Interrupting quietly) It was unbelievable.
Mannerheim: And everything - everything spent on armament.
Hitler: Only on armament.
Mannerheim: Only on armament!
Hitler: (Sighs) Only - well, it is - as I told your president [Ryte] before - I had no idea of it. If I had an idea - then I would have been even more difficult for me, but I would have taken the decision [to invade] anyhow, because - there was no other possibility. It was - certain, already in the winter of '39/ '40, that the war had to begin. I had only this nightmare - but there is even more! Because a war on two fronts - would have been impossible - that would have broken us. Today, we see more clearly - than we saw at that time - it would have broken us. And my whole - I originally wanted to - already in the fall of '39 I wanted to conduct the campaign in the west - on the continuously bad weather we experienced hindered us.
Our whole armament - you know, was - is a pure good weather armament. It is very capable, very good, but it is unfortunately just a good-weather armament. We have seen this in the war. Our weapons naturally were made for the west, and we all thought, and this was true 'till that time, uh, it was the opinion from the earliest times: you cannot wage war in winter. And we too, have, the German tanks, they weren't tested, for example, to prepare them for winter war. Instead we conducted trials to prove it was impossible to wage war in winter. That is a different starting point [than the Soviet's]. In the fall of 1939 we always faced the question. I desperately wanted to attack, and I firmly believed we could finish France in six weeks.
However, we faced the question of whether we could move at all - it was raining continuously. And I know the French area myself very well and I too could not ignore the opinions, of many of my generals that, we - probably - would not have had the élan, that our tank arm would not have been, effective, that our air force could not been effective from our airfields because of the rain.
I know northern France myself. You know, I served in the Great War for four years. And - so the delay happened. If I had in '39 eliminated France, then world history would have changed. But I had to wait 'till 1940, and unfortunately it wasn't possible before May. Only on the 10th of May was the first nice day - and on the 10th of May I immediately attacked. I gave the order to attack on the 10th on the 8th. And - then we had to, conduct this huge transfer of our divisions from the west to the east.
First the occupation of - then we had the task in Norway - at the same time we faced - I can frankly say it today - a grave misfortune, namely the - weakness of, Italy. Because of - first, the situation in North Africa, then, second, because of the situation in Albania and Greece - a very big misfortune. We had to help. This meant for us, with one small stoke, first - the splitting of our air force, splitting our tank force, while at the same time we were preparing, the, tank arm in the east. We had to hand over - with one stroke, two divisions, two whole divisions and a third was then added - and we had to replace continuous, very severe, losses there. It was - bloody fighting in the desert.
This all naturally was inevitable, you see. I had a conversation with Molotov [Soviet Minister] at that time, and it was absolutely certain that Molotov departed with the decision to begin a war, and I dismissed the decision to begin a war, and I dismissed him with the decision to - impossible, to forestall him. There was - this was the only - because the demands that man brought up were clearly aimed to rule, Europe in the end. (Practically whispering here.) Then I have him - not publicly...(fades out).
Already in the fall of 1940 we continuously faced the question, uh: shall we, consider a break up [in relations with the USSR]? At that time, I advised the Finnish government, to - negotiate and, to gain time and, to act dilatory in this matter - because I always feared - that Russia suddenly would attack Romania in the late fall - and occupy the petroleum wells, and we would have not been ready in the late fall of 1940. If Russia indeed had taken Romanian petroleum wells, than Germany would have been lost. It would have required - just 60 Russian divisions to handle that matter.
In Romania we had of course - at that time - no major units. The Romanian government had turned to us only recently - and what we did have there was laughable. They only had to occupy the petroleum wells. Of course, with our weapons I could not start a, war in September or October. That was out of the question. Naturally, the transfer to the east wasn't that far advanced yet. Of course, the units first had to reconsolidate in the west. First the armaments had to be taken care of because we too had - yes, we also had losses in our campaign in the west. It would have been impossible to attack - before the spring of 19, 41. And if the Russians at that time - in the fall of 1940 - had occupied Romania - taken the petroleum wells, then we would have been, helpless in 1941.
Another Voice In Background: Without petroleum...
Hitler: (Interrupting) We had huge German production: however, the demands of the air force, our Panzer divisions - they are really huge. It is level of consumption that surpasses the imagination. And without the addition of four to five million tons of Romanian petroleum, we could not have fought the war - and would have had to let it be - and that was my big worry. Therefore I aspired to, bridge the period of negotiations 'till we would be strong enough to, counter those extortive demands [from Moscow] because - those demands were simply naked extortion's. They were extortion's. The Russians knew we were tied up in the west. They could really extort everything from us. Only when Molotov visited - then - I told him frankly that the demands, their numerous demands, weren't acceptable to us. With that the negotiations came to an abrupt end that same morning.
There were four topics. The one topic that, involved Finland was, the, freedom to protect themselves from the Finnish threat, he said. [I said] You do not want to tell me Finland threatens you! But he said: "In Finland it is - they who take action against the, friends, of the Soviet Union. They would [take action] against [our] society, against us - they would continuously, persecute us and, a great power cannot be threatened by a minor country."
I said: "Your, existence isn't threatened by Finland! That is, you don't mean to tell me..."
Mannerheim: (Interrupting) Laughable!
Hitler: "...that your existence is threatened by Finland?" Well [he said] there was a moral - threat being made against a great power, and what Finland was doing, that was a moral - a threat to their moral existence. Then I told him we would not accept a further war in the Baltic area as passive spectators. In reply he asked me how we viewed our position in, Romania. You know, we had given them a guarantee. [He wanted to know] if that guarantee was directed against Russia as well? And that time I told him: "I don't think it is directed at you, because I don't think you have the intention of attacking Romania. You have always stated that Bessarabia is yours, but that you have - never stated that you want to attack Romania!"
"Yes," he told me, but he wanted to know more precisely if this guarantee...(A door opens and the recording ends.) .
As it turned out, someone on Hitler's staff or Guards figured out about the recording....but somehow the tape was preserved.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
One grape short: Adolph Hitler was missing a testicle

An account by a German army medic has confirmed what the world long suspected: Hitler only had one ball. War veteran Johan Jambor made the revelation to a priest in the 1960s, who wrote it down, according to The Sun. The priest's written account has surfaced 23 years after Jambor's death.
This seems to confirm an alleged Soviet autopsy on Hitler's remains made shortly after the war claimed Hitler was lopsided. Most historians dismiss this reference as commie propaganda.
Records DO show Hitler was wounded in the groin in 1916 during the Battle of the Somme.
The Fuhrer's ball has been mocked for years in a British song:
Hitler has only got one ball,
The other is on the kitchen wall,
His mother, the dirty bugger,
Chopped it off when he was small.
She threw it over Germany,
It landed in the deep blue sea,
The fishes got out their dishes,
And had scallops and bollocks for tea.
Frankfurt has only one beer hall,
Stuttgart, die München all on call,
Munich, vee lift our tunich,
To show vee "Cherman" have no balls at all.
Until now there has never been proof Hitler was asymmetrical Down There. The priest wrote that Jambor saw the proof with his own eyes. Johan Jambor's friend Blassius Hanczuch confirmed that the medic had saved Hitler’s life in 1916.
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