Showing posts with label BlogSpot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlogSpot. Show all posts

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A useful blog - Today on the interwebs

I have been enjoying the blog, Today On The Interwebs for a while now. As the author writes: "Every day, the interwebs is filled with an interminable supply of crap and one cool thing. Like a jet-powered bloodhound, this blog seeks out and posts that one thing."

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Blogger Meltdown, mostly of my own authoring?

You may have noticed the sporadic postings (partly due to being in California all week) in the last few days? I completely pooched my blogspot template. It seems partly due to collisions between last year's new blogger switchover and the new beta blogger sandbox. I am still missing a lot of the marginalia and widgets, but I have mostly recovered everything else. Except (!!!) the post date now appears beneath the first post of a day. And it's huge. And ugly. I've deleted all references to it, changed the color to white in the CSS section of the template, attempted to move it above the posy title somehow, and pasted in sections of old templates that I know looked good. All to no avail. I had one problem a couple years ago, where I sent the whole template to blogger and they immediately figured out what I'd done wrong. I have to throw myself on their mercy. I am a bonehead.

Monday, October 22, 2007 is a rollicking, wide-ranging blog site that covers Google trends, interesting articles on the military sports, Google's most searches words, wacky new cyber trends, and on blogging itself. And they have no ads...even less than All This Is That! They also help blogs drive additional traffic to their sites.

Editor's note: actually, it was formerly a rollicking, etc., etc. site. It appears to have died...the old link returns a 404 error.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blogger Play - A new toy from Blogger

Blogger has just released a new toy--Blogger Play. "Shortly after Blogger launched photo uploading two years ago, one of our engineers whipped up a web page that would show us the pictures that were being uploaded in real time. The result was fun, often beautiful, but above all, compelling. We couldn’t stop watching." It's pretty cool. Go here to view the uploaded pictures of all of us on Blogger. It makes for an interesting screensaver...
