Pete and Pat Curran, in honor of their decades of public service were the King and Queen of Kent, Washington's Cornucopia Festival and Parade. This photo, by Maureen Roberts, captured them waving to their subjects from a convertible in the parade.
Pete and Pat are my parents-in-law, and the parents of Keelin, Colin, Sheila, Marcy, Mary, Betsey, Brendan, and Megan, as well as the grandparents and great-grandparents of a passel of kids. In their mid-70's, they are patrons of the arts and social service charities; lifelong Democrats (Pete worked for Bobby Kennedy as an advance man in 1968); involved in a large number of volunteer activities; and have sponsored numerous arts events in the Kent area (including sponsoring a Blind Boys of Alabama concert). Pete still plays handball every week, and Pat plays tennis as well as writing poetry.