Click to enlarge - one of the Sultan's elaborately decorated sitting rooms.
If you have to sit, this would be a fine place to do just that.
The gigantic cooking building - click to enlarge

The palace is filled with all sorts of historical artifacts and the swag and booty of the Sultans. There is a vast collection of Ming and other dynasty china, cooking utensils, jewels, and swords and daggers. There is geometric hand made tile covering nearly every surface of the many buildings...at least the ones not covered in gold leaf and stained glass windows.
A view of the palace from our boat on the Bosphorus
Of greatest interest to me--and certainly to the many hundreds of Turks crowded into the rooms--are the holy relics from Mohammed's life. I can now say that I have seen Mohammed's hair, footprint, sword, and a tooth he broke in battle. The rooms containing these holy relics are filled with the sound of an imam constantly chanting the Quran. I thought it might be recorded, but on reflection, I believe there was an actual chanting Imam behind a curtain or in a booth somewhere.
A beautifully painted wall
Next to Mohammed's relics, the most notable goodies include the Topkapi Dagger, with a handle inlaid with three enormous emeralds, and the Spoonmaker's Diamond, which at 86 carats is actually the 5th largest diamond in the world. Ah, I've never been that impressed with diamonds, but this one is impressive in size at least.
Artifacts in the second courtyard of the palace
We probably only saw 1/4 of the palace and exhibits before we began achieving burnout from all the walking and the heat.