Attorney Robert Gonzales admitted to a subordinate earlier this week that the only reason he still has a job is that he "has the goods on Cheney." Last Wednesday, the White House aide sent what they believed was an anonymous tip to the All This Is That editorial offices. The tip was subsequently traced back via IP protocols to an aide working in the Executive Office Building. When contacted by an All This Is That staff reporter, the aide admitted sending the tip and offered to provide sources as well as evidence of the act, and the blackmail itself.
Both VP Cheney's and General Gonzales's offices refused comment on the story. Two aides in Cheney's office were willing to discuss certain aspects of the allegations. The story—fairly widely circulated in Beltway political circles—involves the Vice-President, and a White House page who often performed an act known as a "Cleveland Steamer." Photographs of the Vice-President receiving the steamer have reportedly circulated among certain politicos. In a curious sidebar, it has often been noted that Fuhrer Adolph Hitler was also a Cleveland Steamer enthusiast. James Joyce, author of Dubliners, Ulysses,and Finnegan's wake was also reported to be a fan (a fact confirmed in his selected letters).[Tomorrow in All This Is That: photographic and audio evidence of the allegations].