Claire and Keelin in Berkeley, 1985

Bobbins, Juack, Hari, Cobbles, and Moochie, California 2005
I never told her to get into plastics...that's so The Graduate. I don't think we pushed her to ever take up one line or the other because it would make her rich or famous or put her on top. We've watched Claire Brummet wend her way through a few possibilities: software development, English, Film, and finally, where she found her home, Philosophy. Keelin and I both majored in English in college, and we ended up just fine. I have to assume Philosophy is the same. . .it's one of those majors where you learn to think and write and as life goes on, you translate what you know to what you need to do. In any case, and whatever she makes of it, this is a personal high...to see your child graduate from college is a moving and intensely personal high.
Claire with BF, Colin, 2007, Victoria, BC, Canada
In my case, at least, the curse is broken. I was the first--and only--Brummet to attend college, and certainly the only one to graduate. On my other, Jones, side, only my cousin David finished college. So Claire is the first second generation Brummet to beat the hillbilly curse. The Joneses have managed to get a few more through. And I love her for that. I wasn't just an anomaly! She may even best me by getting her J.D., M.A., or PhD.
I am travelling in a few hours to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, to watch her graduate. And I am so happy and proud, it's really hard to articulate. Yeah, we've done a lot of stupid things, and venerated a lot of bad behavior over the years, but come on. . .is this a great country or what? Congratulations Moochie! We just love 'ya.