Showing posts with label involuntary Evacuation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label involuntary Evacuation. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

Two sounds: The Love Frequency and The Brown Note

By Jack Brummet

The Love Frequency - You can buy an instrument to create this noise; the Lovertuner mindfulness tone necklace. "Lovetuner is the term for a tiny single-tone flute, through which we can align ourselves with the 528 HZ frequency - the so called Love Frequency."  It makes you happy.  You can find the sound online.  It's a nice sound, but I didn't achieve bliss listening to it. Maybe it takes Pavlovian training? $58 retail.

The Brown Note - The brown note is a hypothetical infrasonic frequency that causes humans to lose control of their bowels due to resonance. Attempts to demonstrate the existence of a brown note using sound waves transmitted through the air all have failed (notably on Mythbusters).  It is supposed to be somewhere in the range of 2Hz to 15Hz.

In South Park's season 3 episode 17 *"World Wide Recorder Concert") , the brown note is a central plot point. The boys rewrite the music for Yoko Ono and Kenny G's  worldwide recorder concert to include the brown note.  Naturally, they succeed at the concert, and with the international television audience as millions of people around the world instantly involuntarily evacuate.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Does The Brown Sound Really Exist? Involuntary evacuation in the news

A fair amount has been written about the brown sound. Notably, one of the funniest South Park episodes, "Worldwide Recorder Concert," tells the story of Cartman learning how to make the sound and then unleashing it on his enemies (and others, including Kenny G [pictured above] and Yoko Ono) at a concert. You may have heard of the “brown noise” or “brown sound” – it is a very low-frequency sound (usually identified as a sound under 15 hz) that is said to cause those who hear it to suddenly lose control of their bowels.

You can see a clip from the South Park show here.

Jonathan Sterne writes in "The Brown Sound" that the sound is "an oscillation of sound that causes the bowels to loosen. The brown noise is believed to be ninety-two cents below the lowest octave of E flat.” “The brown noise was discovered by the French, and tested as a weapon during WWII. It is a 12-14hz sound wave that, when played loud enough, relaxes your sphincter, causing loss of bowel control.”

"On the lower end of our hearing, we almost never perceive a 20hz sound. Even before the vibration slows to 20 cycles a second (roughly an E-flat), we begin to feel the sound as vibration rather than just hearing it. Once the rate of vibration drops below 20hz, we can't hear it as sound at all; we only feel it as vibration. So when Cartman proudly announces that the brown noise is 92 cents below the lowest octave of E flat, he is saying that the brown noise is not a noise at all. It is subsonic vibration. In the second definition, the brown noise is somewhat lower, in the 12-14hz range, which would place the note somewhere between a G and an A, were an elephant or some other animal with better low-end perception than a human to inquire about the pitch. "

Military history is filled with stories of people attempting to create (and most importantly, deploy) the brown sound and other infrasonic weapons. The most common story says the Nazis experimented with pretty much every kind of imaginable weapon, and a brown noise generator was among a class of “sonic” weapons they devised. The plan was to use it in surprise attacks on both military and civilian targets. "On the battlefield, you could momentarily overtake your opponent – and since the brown noise is very low-frequency vibration, it could hypothetically travel through tanks and other hard-to-reach places, thereby temporarily disabling the enemy. It could also be useful for civilian attacks to weaken enemy morale – as a form of what the Nazis called “worldview warfare” and what Americans now call psychological warfare."

The Fortean Times quotes acoustician Jurgen Altman, who argued in a 1999 paper that acoustic weapons were basically impossible to construct: “I have found no hard evidence for vomiting or uncontrolled defecation, even at levels of 170 dB or more.” It takes so much power to generate a low, low sound that it is virtually impossible. . .and then no one is really sure earplugs would actually's your bowels themselves that would be affected, and there really are no earplugs for your bowels. . . at least yet.