This website was pointed out by Tom Dougherty, the Seattle artist, blogger, and writer. F*** This Website is a compendium of signs, posters, billboards, and other printed ephemera upon which the proprietor, or now, his many fans, have placed stickers with The F Bomb. Naturally, the results are often quite hilarious.
The blog's proprietor only keeps a handful of images on his site. I think he wants us to buy his two books on this very subject, the postcards or a set of his F*** stickers, so you can try your own hand at sign pranking (if you follow his reasonable) rules):
"I will not be responsible for irresponsibility. This is supposed to be about collecting funny images, not F***ing up people’s personal property. That’s why the stickers are strong, but removable. Don’t be an asshole and leave the stickers on signs around children’s playgrounds.
I know… cheap people want to have fun too. If you’re one of them, here’s a few templates that you can print on full-sheet labels, and cut them yourself. Believe me, it’s easier to just buy a pack from me, but whatever…
"Actually, check this to agree that you won’t sue me because you cut the tip of your finger off trying to cut out stupid little F*** stickers with an Xacto knife instead of just spending $7, and then you can download the templates."---o0o---