Showing posts with label rajasthan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rajasthan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

A dusty, bone-rattling Auto-rickshaw ride to the village of Sisarma

click images to enlarge

Today we took a bone rattling, dusty ride out to a village, Sisarma, in the more or less desert outside Udaipur. From the looks of it, it won't be a remote little village much longer. As we approached the village, there were signs of construction everywhere. A large group of people were building a bridge over a very wide looking arroyo. Apparently, the village often cut off in monsoon season.

We visited a beautiful, rustic, old temple, where we were invited in after we left our shoes outside. The interior (where I did not take pictures) was painted in a rainbow of subtle pastel colors that almost looked like they may have been mixed in with the plaster, al fresco style.

All the children, and people we met when we got out and walked through the village out toward the bridge were extremely friendly. Keelin and I spent ten or fifteen minutes chatting with a very nice government worker--the guy who reads the electric meters in town.

All four of us piled back in the auto-rickshaw for a ride back to town, the other way, which was much smoother, but also brought us through the outskirts of what looks to be rapidly developing Udaipur, pushing its boundaries outward.

The village temple

The village water pump


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Interesting signs along the street in Udaipur, Rajasthan

note: click all images to enlarge

an art store, of sorts

Teeth, eyes...whatever

click to enlarge (and remember the swastika was a Hindi
sign before Hitler appropriated it for his nefarious purposes)

a sign says post no bills, and yet there is cow manure
up and down this most odd pasture-street

Not a weird sign, but I like the idea of a Hari Krishna art school


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jack Brummet and the Rajasthani Danny DeVito

Jack in a craft shop with the self-proclaimed
"Rajasthani Danny DeVito" - click to enlarge

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On the lake in Udaipur, Part 1 (traveling mates)

Here are the photos of us today as we boated around the lake and stopped on the island. Part 2 will be the photos of the palaces and island gardens. Keelin Curran, Claire Brummet, Jack Brummet, Colin Whitchelo - click to enlarge.
