[Thanks to Jeff Clinton for passing along this news tidbit...]
Senator Larry Craig is about to be inducted into Idaho Hall of
According to the Associated Press today, Sen. Larry Craig was selected for induction into the Idaho Hall of Fame in March, well before he pleaded guilty to foot shuffling and disorderly conduct charges (a/k/a cruising). Earlier this year, you will remember that the Senator was busted in a sting operation in Minneapolis aiport's men's kaybo.
"Larry Craig has made a great contribution to Idaho over the period of 20-some years. At the time it was considered, this other matter had not come up," Harry Magnuson told The Spokesman-Review newspaper Saturday.

A few Republicans think "this other matter" should put a stop to the Hall of Fame induction. "Maybe in 10 or 15 years we can think of this hall of fame stuff. Now is not the time," said one Republican leader. "It's a sad day to be a Republican."