Fanques: So is there any whiff of truth to the story?
Sen. McCain: Sure, I guess there's a whiff of truth. She is a woman, and a good looking woman. It's more convenient to pin her on me than it would be a male lobbyist. That's for sure. Every person on the hill deals with lobbyists.
Fanques: But the New York Times also alludes to something deeper than a drink with a lobbyist.
Sen. McCain: Sure they do. Have you read the 'paper lately? They allude to a lot of things. And the Times has a stake in getting their boy Obama elected. They shredded Hillary Clinton, and now they're coming after me.
Fanques: But that still doesn't really answer my question.
Sen. McCain: But isn't this interview supposed to be about how I would support the arts after I'm elected?
Fanques: It is, indeed. But this seems a little more important.
Sen. McCain: Than what?! This is a f***ing sideshow you're running here. Let's talk about The Issues.
Fanques: We are. This has become the issue.
Sen. McCain: Look. I've become a threat to the Democrats and to the New York Times. So you drag up a ten year old story and start flogging it. It's not relevant to the campaign.
Fanques: So just what WAS your relationship with Ms. Iseman?
Sen. McCain: I think I explained that. Several times this week.
Fanques: But the New York Times and some of your staffers seem to think otherwise.
Sen. McCain: You're talking about Pravda here. A paper that is ashamed of the United States. And some traitor staff members who will be rapidly disposed of. Pardon me for ending that sentence with a preposition.
Fanques: But Senator, you've explained that you did some business with a lobbyist. Now, it seems, you need to explain the accusations that have been lodged against you about having a romantic relationship with Ms.Iseman.
Sen. McCain: Really. OK. I drilled Vicki Iseman. So what? Do I get the same pass you gave Slick Willy? Do I get the same pass you've been giving Obama and Hillary?
Fanques: Pass? I don't recall hearing these sorts of allegations against them?
Sen. McCain: Then you have your head in the sand. Because it's all out there. This interview is over. [click].