According to the Wikipedia (the internet's free and sometimes reliable encyclopedia), "the Greys (also known as Zetas or Reticulians after the
ζ Reticuli star system) are the type of
intelligent extraterrestrial life that appears most commonly in modern conspiracy theories, particularly UFO conspiracy theories and other
paranormal phenomena, especially the Abduction Phenomenon."
Greys also appear in science fiction, television shows like The X Files, and Dark Skies, and in the completely bizarre (even in this admittedly strange realm of lore) documents of the
Raelian movement."
Greys have replaced "little green men from Mars" as the stereotypical extraterrestrial of popular culture. You wouldn't believe the body of literature that has sprung up around grey lore.

Some of what we think we know about grey physiology comes from Colonel Phillip Corso. His accounts sound verimilitudinous.
The "body of the Roswell alien"Colonel Corso allegedly had access to the Roswell grey autopsies and discusses ways in which the makeup of the greys makes them suitable for space (and "time") travel. He even concluded that Greys in flight become an integral part of the ufo. Seated in their craft, (and isn't it funny that alien entities need seats, and have keisters not unlike ours?)! In their seats, Corso said, the grey becomes one with the circuitry of the UFO, which uses the alien brain to pilot the ship telepathically...which goes a long way toward explaining why (as always, allegedly), there are no control mechanisms in crashed UFOs, which has been said to have baffled scientists. Right. It all happens in the hive mind baby!

The skin is. . . grey! Some claim it is beige, tan or pinkish-grey. Greys have no blood as we know it, but there is a fluid which is greyish in color.
As far as distinguishing characteristics go, the greys appear to be extruded from a mold; they share identical racial and biological characteristics.
The grey head is large by human standards, and appears even larger due to the brain swell and the utter dearth of any peachfuzz or hair.
The nose is quite indistinct...a couple of small nostrils and little else.
The grey's mouth is a small slit without lips; it appears to be almost vestigial.
Greys have no teeth (in the mouth anyhow!). Lord knows about the uncharted nether regions...
The body and head are completely hairless.
The grey's torso is small, short, and thin. There are no pudgy greys. They are reported to wear clothing similar to what you see on Star Trek, shiny, almost metallic, and close fitting.
The greys arms are long and thin, and reach to the knees. For all their advanced features, they are knuckledraggers!
The hands of the greys contain 3 to 4 fingers, long webbed, and with either a sort of fingernail or claw.
Most reports say their legs are short and thin. Greys usually seem to wear a close fitting boot or shoe.
Ears do not appear to exist on greys. Nor are there any apertures for hearing. It's quite possible there is no need for hearing because their ability to telepath is so advanced.
The grey brain is larger than ours and may well have three lobes, instead of two. Many folks seem to believe the third lobe is dedicated to telepathic communication. Greys can not only read minds, but can also communicate with all greys in the area in via the "hive pulse," or, group telepathic communication.
The eyes are the most striking (and appalling) feature of the grey's makeup. Many different descriptions of the eyes have been reported. The black look of the eye may be a possible lens covering. . .kind of like built-in goggles and sunglasses. The eyes are generally slanted, large and black. I have heard them described as unfeeling insect eyes.
The innards. The grey digestive systems are reported to be failing, or atrophied. Nutrition is absorbed through the skin, or, maybe injected. It is often said the greys soak various chemical solutions, which may cause the reported strange checmical smell of greys.
Now, we come to the naughty bits as they might say in England. The male and female genitalia are the hardest to describe because the greys appear to never expose these parts to abductees and others. This is a little strange, isn't it? Since so many people report being probed and molested by the greys that one might think that is a primary focus of the greys.
For purposes of crossbreeding however--just as we have found out with "assisted pregnancies" and artificial insemination--genital contact is probably not necessary to create life. All you need is a way to get the pollinating materials from one place to another. And that can even include a test tube! We humans have in general found that our genitalia work pretty well for reproduction (and for fun). However, we only need to look

at bees and pollen to know there are other efficacious methods. Fish eggs are fertilized externally. For all we know, alien genitalia could well be on their foreheads, tucked away in their armpits, or behind their knees.
The author of The Krill Papers states "There are over 1,000 humans in the United States alone who are the offspring of intergalactic or extragalactic beings and terrestrial humans. (The son of an acquaintance of
[deleted in original] is one.)" Other documents, naturally, place the numbers in the millions.