Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Monday, November 14, 2005

Move<--->Countermove::::The White House Fights Back On Iraq

...Click the painting of POTUS to enlarge...

57% of the country now believes that President Bush misled people on Iraq's weapons programs to sell the war. Demos on Capitol Hill are beating the drum for an investigation into the faulty, or non-existent, pre-war intelligence. So what does the White House do? They fight back. The President nearly accuses his critics of giving comfort to the enemy.

President Bush is going to Asia today with high hopes to improve his stature. But before he did, he accused the Democrats of "sending mixed signals to our troops and the enemy." Haven't we heard this gambit before?

"That is irresponsible," The President said in remarks to U.S. forces during a refueling stop in Alaska. Excerpts from the remarks were released by the White House as Bush flew to Elemendorf Air Force Base on his eight-day journey to Japan, South Korea, China and Mongolia.

He said pretty much the same thing last Friday in a speech on Veteran's Day, when he also said:

"it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began"

"When I made the decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power, Congress approved it with strong bipartisan support."

In fact, the October 2002 Joint Resolution authorized the use of force in Iraq, but did not mention removing Hussein.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Doug Forrester Blames President Bush For His Spanking In Jersey

Doug Forrester, in a follow-up interview about the election with New Jersey's Star-Ledger, directly blamed The President for his loss in the governor's race.

Forrester told a reporter that Bush's rapidly declining popularity made it impossible for his campaign to overcome the "built-in advantage Democrats have" in a blue state like New Jersey.

"If Bush's numbers were where they were . . .even six months ago, I think we would have won on Tuesday," Forrester said. "Katrina was the tipping point."

The President did all this from a distance. President Bush was one of the very few high-profile Republicans that were not asked to campaign for Forrester.

OK. I'm perfectly willing to slag POTUS with this one. But come on, Dougie. . .you lost this on your own. Sure the Prez cost you some votes, but don't let that convince you that you didn't suck out on the hustings or that Senator Corzine didn't whip your ass fair and square!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Alien Lore No. 43 - Timeline Of The Big Ufo Events 1,500 B.C.-1969

Here is a timeline of some UFO/Alien events from ancient times up to 1969. Later this week, we will publish a timelines of events from the last 35 years.

1,500 BC - Pharaoh Thutmose III: "In the year 22, in the 3rd month of winter, at the 6th hour of the day... the scribes from the House of Life saw a circle of fire appear in the sky... it had no head and its breath was fetid. Its body was the length and width of a stake. It had no voice. As the scribes were confused by this thing, they threw themselves to the ground.. they went to the pharaoh... to tell him."

"His Majesty ordered... and henceforth everything was recorded in the rolls of papyrus. His Majesty meditated on and thought about this event. Hence, after a few days, these things appeared even more numerous in the sky. They shined in the sky, brighter than the sun, and extended to the limits of the four pillars in the sky... The position of the circles of fire was powerful. The Pharaoh's army contemplated them."

"His Majesty stood in the middle. It was at supper time. Then these circles of fire rose higher in the sky and towards the South. Fish and poultry fell from the sky. A marvel never before observed since the foundation of the nation. And the Pharaoh had incense brought, which was burned in order to bring peace to the foyer... And these events were inscribed on the Pharaoh's orders in the annals of the House of Life... so that they would never be forgotten."

600 BC - Ezekiel - Do you remember the series of books by Eric Von Daniken from the 70s with titles like Chariots of the Gods? In The Bible, the prophet Ezekiel reported on those chariots:

"I looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud and a fire unfolding itself, and a brightness were about it, and out of the mist thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. "

"As for their wings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their wings were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the Earth the wheels were lifted up. "

800 AD - Peru: Some UFO scholars allege that there were aerial "landing strips" built in the Peruvian Andes sometime in the 9th century. Frank Zappa seems to be referring to this notion in his song "Incan Roads":

Did a vehicle
Come from somewhere out there
Just to land in the Andes?
Was it round
And did it have
A motor
Or was it
Something Different?


Or did someone
Build a place
To leave a space
For such a thing to land?

January, 1878 (And June 1947) - "Flying Saucers": The term "saucer" was used by a Texan farmer, John Martin, to describe an object seen over his farm. Later, a Seattle reporter coined the term when Kenneth Arnold saw a formation of objects over the Cascade Mountains of Washington State and described them as moving "like a saucer would if you skipped it across water." This image inspired a local reporter to coin the term "flying saucer." Arnold always maintained he never called them saucers, but in any case, the name stuck. The Arnold sightings are universally credited as launching modern interest in aliens and UFOs.

June, 1908 - Siberia: A fireball exploded over Siberia, creating shock waves felt miles away and setting 1,200 acres on fire. Much later (1927), scientists visited the blast site. They found no UFOs, meteorite fragments, or Greys, but did find high levels of radioactivity in the soil. UFOlogists guess the spacecraft's nuclear reactor exploded on impact. This incident is thought to be the first modern crash by Hive spacecraft.

August, 1915 - Hill 60: During World War I, a regiment of the British Army, the 1st 4th Norfolk, disappeared in an attempt to take Hill 60 near Gallipoli. In front of dozens of witnesses, a regiment of over 800 men marched into a cloud formation and was never seen again. After the war, Britain demanded the return of the regiment, but the Turks denied any knowledge of the regiment's existence. No trace of the regiment has ever been found.

1947 - The Roswell Incident: (see article in All This Is That ) After a loud explosion, William "Mac" Brazel discovered wreckage on his ranch. He reported the debris to the local sheriff, George Wilcox, who informed Roswell Army Air Base. Brazel was held by order of Major Jesse Marcel while debris collected from the ranch was flown to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. On July 8, 1947, Public Relations Officer Lt. Walter Haut issued the following press release on order from the base commander:

"The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of 509th Bomb Group of the Eight Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County. The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher's home. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters. "

Later, the Army's position changed to claim that the material recovered was the wreckage of a weather balloon. Major Marcel said the material he had seen was thin and foil-like but would not dent and that there was also a material similar to balsa wood which would not burn. He described hieroglyphics on some debris, but denied seeing alien bodies. Other reports say that four Greys were on the flying disc. Three of the Greys were D.O.A., but the fourth was kept alive briefly at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. No one was ever able to communicate with the Grey survivor.

August, 1947 - Majestic 12: (See article in All This Is That). "Majestic 12 is established by special classified executive order of President Truman. "

January 1950 - The Air Force issues The Grudge Report. Of 273 sightings investigated, it concluded 23% were "unexplained."

1951 -The flying saucer movie The Day the Earth Stood Still is released. This film features an anti-grey. . . a friendly alien come to warn us about what can happen to earth. . .

July, 1952 - Veronica, Argentina - Hundreds of residents see six discs circle above the town, and disappear into the night sky. This sighting was within hours of a very similar report from Captain Paul Carpenter near Denver. Carpenter reported the craft was traveling at 3,000 miles per hour, making it possible for the saucer to have appeared in both locations.

1955 - General Douglas MacArthur - MacArthur was involved in establishing the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU), to investigate crashed flying saucers. In 1955 MacArthur stated:

"The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must some day make a common front against attack by people from other planets."

This statement led many to believe the IPU uncovered more facts about UFOs than has ever been revealed.

April, 1956 - Capt. Raymond E. Ryan: Capt. Ryan and his first officer William Neff were flying from Albany, New York to Syracuse. At a height of 6,000 feet, the two observed a brilliant white light like an approaching aircraft with landing lights on. Ryan estimated that the object was moving at at approximately 1,000 miles per hour -- faster than any object of the day. The UFO glowed orange in front of them. Ryan and Neff reported the encounter to Griffiss Air Force Base. The base confirmed that they also could see an orange object nearby. This sighting lasted over twenty minutes and was also witnessed by the flight attendant, Phyllis Reynolds.

August, 1956 - Bentwaters/Lakenheath, England:
The Royal and United States Aire Forces in Bentwater/Lakenheath in Suffolk made radar contact with a UFO using three ground-based radar systems. An aerial radar confirmation on a Venom night fighter and visual sightings from the ground and the air make this case one the most celebrated (and witnessed) contacts ever. Radar showed that the objects were moving up at 4,000 miles per hour -- higher speeds than any aircraft of the time.

September, 1957 - Ubatuba, Brazil: A crashed flying saucer reportedly yielded magnesium so pure that it could not have been manufactured on Earth. Several other UFOs have been reported to have been constructed of pure magnesium. Fragments of the Ubatuba saucer have been lost. One of the most troubling aspects of gathering evidence of alien contact and UFOs is the lack of evidence--from implants, to Alien/EBE bodies, to artifacts, to any physical evidence at all.

May, 1960 - Francis Gary Powers: The U-2 plane piloted by Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. Soviet Premiere Nikita Khrushchev announced his country shot down a spy plane. Powers pleads guilty to spy charges in a Moscow trial and is sentenced to ten years. UFOlogists belkieve that Powers was in pursuit of a UFO and was given permission by Majestic-12 to overfly the Soviet Union. During pursuit, the UFO shoots down Powers' plane. To facilitate the cover-up, the United States is willing to accept blame and let the Soviets take credit for downing Powers. In 1962, Powers was released in an American/Soviet spy trade.

September, 1961 - Betty and Barney Hill: Driving to their home in New Hampshire, Betty and Barney Hill notice a bright light in the sky (see All This Is That). Radar reports at the nearby Pease Air Force Base also recorded something in the air. The Hills examined the light through binoculars, and saw an object with flashing lights. Barney walked across a field for a closer look, and saw beings looking back at him. Frightened, he and Betty drive home, but arrived two hours later than expected. They could not account for the missing time (a common phenomenon among abductees) until they underwent regression hypnosis. The couple described being stopped by the UFO and taken aboard the saucer for medical examination. Due to the impressive documentation and the confirming radar trace from Pease Air Force Base, the Hill case is one of the most famous on record, and had kept traction for nearly fifty years.

April 24 1964. Deputy Lonnie Zamora has a close encounter near Socorro, New Mexio. (See All This Is That article). Lonnie Zamora was a sergeant in the Socorro Police Department. On April 24, 1964, he witnessed the Socorro landing in New Mexico. The investigation of the Socorro case was lead by Dr J. Allen Hynek with the FBI. The report on the case ended up in the Air Force Project Blue Book report "There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him. There is also no question about Zamora's reliability. He is a serious officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw, and frankly, so are we. This is the best documented case on record."

November, 1965 - The Great Northeast Blackout: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont all lost power in this power failure. Although a faulty automatic relay device at a plant near Niagara Falls is blamed, there is evidence that UFOs can cause power failures in the national electricity grid systems, although this may only be a side effect rather than an intentional act. According to the Dark Skies version of events, this power failure was triggered by the Hive to prevent the airing of documentary evidence on national television. In December of the same year, the grid systems failed in New Mexico and Texas following UFO sightings in those areas.

1969 - The Air Force Project Blue Book is shut down following the highly skeptical and critical Condon report.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Poem: Camouflage

My rogue and rococo thoughts
Skitter sideways
Like a sideshuffling crab

Following evasive tactics
In case anyone locks on
And attempts to impose

A framework
Of coherence and congruence
On these fitfully nuanced palabra

If you actually begin to understand
What I am writing
We have all missed the point

Sometimes I don't know
What it means
Until someone else tells me

Sometimes I don't know
If it's better to pull your leg
Or my own

I don't know which is better
The variations and detours
Or the thing itself

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Riots In France Are "Moderating"

Arsonists struck again last night, ending the second full week of violence in France. However, the car torchings fell to 482 from 617 the previous night. Sunday night was the peak of destruction, when 1,408 cars were incinerated. Curfews and new restrictions seem to be doing the trick. . .

Right-wing leader Jean-Marie Le Pen said French nationals of immigrant backgrounds should be stripped of their French citizenship and sent "back to their country of origin" if they committed crimes.

Alien Lore No. 42::::A Scholarly Book On Abductions

Since I just wrote about this the other day (well, maybe a couple of other times too), I thought I'd mention a new book. . .

ABDUCTED: HOW PEOPLE COME TO BELIEVE THEY WERE KIDNAPPED BY ALIENS By Susan A. Clancy (Harvard University Press). The book opens with: "Will Andrews is an articulate, handsome, forty-two-year-old. He's a successful chiropractor, lives in a wealthy American suburb, and has a strikingly attractive wife and twin boys, age eight. The only glitch in this picture of domestic bliss is that his children are not his wife's -- they are the product of an earlier infidelity. To complicate matters further, the biological mother is an extraterrestrial."

This hilarious opener segues into a scholarly and seemingly sincerely sympathetic study [a five place alliteration!] of people who believe they have been abducted by aliens. Clancy writes that the proper scientific response is not, "Why investigate abduction since it is not really happening?" but rather "What sort of people are reporting being abducted, and why?"

Dr. Clancy makes the salient point that there are no popular (in fact there are none period) accounts of abduction accounts before 1962. None. Roswell, and other incidents had certainly occurred, but the great watershed of abductions comes after this. 1962, if you have been following this alien lore thread, was shortly after the reported abduction of Betty and Barney Hill became news.

"As far as science knows, nobody is being abducted by aliens," Clancy stressed. One caveat on this book: Dr. Clancy is of the controversial repressed/recovered memory school of psychology. If you find that theory hokum, then this book may not be for you...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Twilight Of The Bush Presidency:::Will The Last Person To Leave The White House Turn Out The Lights?

The Ostroy Report and thousands of other blog and web sites are trumpeting the big Democratic win in the gubernatorial races in Jersey and Virginia. I'm not going to speculate on what this portends for the future, but it feels pretty damned good tonight.

There are plenty of other juicy morsels in the news too: Karl Rove patiently waiting to resign until it is a bit more seemly; President's Bush's pluging approval ratings, now hovering in the 35% range; the rift between the President and Vice-President; President Bush stumping in Virginia in the governor's race (too little, too late); The President cranky after skipped meals and late bedtimes, not to mention massive protests and riots wherever he appeared; Harry Reid's Rule 21 gambit; a new leak (and potential investigation) of information about secret U.S. prisons abroad for interrogation and torture; the deficit nightmare. . .I could go on.

It can't be pretty in The White House tonight.

If we sent The President to France tomorrow, the whole place would go up in flames. The good news about all of this is that The Democrats don't even need a plan, and don't need to take action. We sit on our hands and watch the administration disintegrate.

One year from now the mid-term elections occur. Just what kind of a bloodbath will that be? It feels like we have lost our President. Where do we go from here?


Painting: President Bush In The Twilight Of His Misbegotten Presidency

Click image to enlarge

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Riots Continue In France

The rioting continued last night in France, and has now spread across the entire country, despite Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin's "plea for calm." You think?! The rioting has gone on for twelve days now.

Thr French press is painting the disturbances as one of its gravest post-war crises. Every major city faced the threat of fierce rioting that has spun out of control. At least a thousand more cars were burned last night.

Philippe Douste Blazy, the foreign minister, reminds us that France is "not a dangerous country", however, the Foreign Office in London warned travellers that trouble could erupt "almost anywhere".

Alien Lore No. 41 - The Greys Are Interstellar Pirates::::Alien Abductions Or Shared Cultural Delusions?

"...despite the fact that we humans are great collectors of souvenirs, not one of these persons [claiming to have been aboard a flying saucer] has brought back so much as an extraterrestrial tool or artifact, which could, once and for all, resolve the UFO mystery."
- Philip Klass

The alien abduction story that ignited the cult about alien visitation and experimentation is the Betty and Barney Hill story. The Hills claim to have been abducted by aliens on September 19, 1961.

The rise in UFO sightings is, of course, attributed to an increase in alien activity on Earth. The aliens are abducting people in larger numbers, are leaving other signs of their presence in the form of so-called crop circles, are involved in cattle mutilation, and occasionally provide revelations such as the Urantia Book to selected prophets.

According to a Gallup poll done at the end of the twentieth century, about one-third of Americans believe aliens have visited us.

In the body of alien lore, The Greys are interstellar pirates, marauding in from Zeta Reticuli. Their victims include a number of outcast (when they go public) human beings who insist they've been shanghaied by these visitors. These alleged abductees are considered crackers; bull-goose looney.

Tales of UFO contacts have become commonplace, but contact with The Greys themselves is highly suspect, and talking about it is tantamount to saying you're ready for a long rest stay in "the shop."

One of the main theories of alien abduction centers on the notion that Greys are clones, and like mules, or clones we have created, are incapable of reproducing. I guess it sounds kind of racist, but, they might be clones. The Greys all look alike!

The Greys abduct human males and females to extract sperm, ova, and other samples of our genetic sequences for reasons unknown.

The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle (referring to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty of the location and momentum of an electron in orbit) postulates that genetic sequences break down and begin to have errors in the sequence after several generations of continuous cloning. This, they say, is what happened to The Greys.

Cloning from clones, after several generations, is equivalent to living in say, Bugtussle, Arkansas, where errors in the code accumulate due to to intermarriage within too small a genetic pool--not unlike the chinless wonders that still inhabit some of Europe's thrones. The Hapsburg's may be gone, but you can certainly see the effects of too tight a gene pool in the very visages of the horse-faced Windsors. Prince Charles' sons, to some extent, escaped that fate, having an infusion of their mother's gene sequences. But this is digressing pretty far from The Greys' genetic issues.

DNA looks pretty digital to me, but apparently, cloning is similar to to the analog duplication of an audio or video cassette from another recording (like some of those fourth generation Grateful Dead shows I used to have). As copies are copied, the overall fidelity and quality decreases. Therefore the Greys need to frequently freshen their code.

Human mutations from one generation to the next increase diversity. The mutations created don't involve the function of major systems of the body. With clones, however, the mutations are copied from one generation to another, and as the number of mutations accumulate, the chance of a fatal or highly defective mutation increases rather than decreases. In a closed system clones like this Mutation=Mutilation.

While the Greys allegedly successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering appears slim and the Greys have little control over the genetic code of the hybrids. Thus, cloning eventually becomes fatal to the Greys, and has left them racially impure, since much of their population are now hybrids.

Abductees often experience memory loss and "missing time". Some of them have been able to recall their abductions from memory and others have recalled their abductions by the aid of hypnosis (Betty Hill for one). Often these encounters involve being taken aboard an alien craft and examined by the Greys and put through a variety of physical and mental procedures. Naturally, many of these experiments involve sex and reproduction. When the individuals are returned, they become, as Dark Skies termed it throwbacks. Many of the abduction victims are reported to show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

A 1992 Roper Poll tells that one in fifty people believe they have had these experiences. If it is true then it is also possible that what is occurring with abductees may be the beginning of something much larger.

There has been some material evidence of Alien contacts. There have been markings and injuries on abductees, including scoop-marks in the flesh, incisions, burns, apparent radiation exposure, bruises, inflammation, etc. Skeptics believe these marks are self-inflicted.

Recovered implants are yet to be identified as alien in nature. They could be similar to the stones that are found in kidneys which are normal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring chiefly in the hollow organs of their passages.

No one seems to have staked out, or performed long term observation on abductees who claim to be visited by their alien raptors on a regular basis. Professor David Jacob's book The Threat says "Training a video camera and recorder on an abductee every night has produced limited results. Some abductees report a dramatic decrease in abductions. Most report that the frequency of abductions tends to decrease only a bit. So far, no abductions have been videotaped. Rather, tapes reveal people getting up and inexplicably turning off the VCR, or unusual power outages during which the camera turns off, or the camera simply goes off mysteriously." Of course, anyone with the ability to travel in space ships at the speed of light, communicate telepathically, and stealthily conquer earth, might also be able to shut off a camera without being seen.

This is all basically hot-air until we capture an alien in the act, in flagrante. . .but as fantastic as the story is, it has become an accepted part of the lore of UFOs and alien contact.