Sunday, July 30, 2006

Keelin Curran With President Ronald Reagan

click photo to enlarge

The former President appears to be expressing disapproval in this photomontage from about 1981.


Neil Young's lyrics to "After The Garden"

The lyrics to one of Neil Young' great new songs on the album Living With War, being performed across the U.S. right now with CSN & Y. If you want to hear the album, he has the entire thing streaming. But you should probably just buy it--it's that good. To listen go to Neil's always interesting web site click here. He also streams it from his myspace page

After The Garden

won't need no shadow man
runnin' the government
won't need no stinkin' war
won't need no haircut
won't need no shoe shine

after the garden is gone
after the garden is gone
after the garden is gone

what will people do?
after the garden is gone
what will people say?
after the garden

won't need no strong man
walkin' through the night
to live a weak man's day
won't need no sunshine
won't need no purple haze

after the garden is gone
after the garden is gone
after the garden is gone

where will people go?

after the garden is gone
what will people know?

after the garden

after the garden is gone
after the garden is gone

(we live in the garden of eden, yeah
don't know why we wanna tear the whole thing to the ground
we live in the garden of eden, yeah
don't know why we wanna tear the whole thing down

and we've got to get ourselves
back to the garden)

Poster: repeal the 2nd amendment

Click image to enlarge.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Holy Smokes! Mel Gibson Goes Apes**t in Malibu & The Cops Cover It Up

Mel Gibson went bananas when he was arrested Friday for drunk driving. And because they believed the arrest report was so inflammatory, detailing ethnic slurs, and religious epithets, they had the arresting officer create a new one. They kept the real one under wraps. TMZ leaked the original arrest report. You can read it in a PDF here.

On being arrested, Gibson began swearing uncontrollably, and said over and over

My life is f****d.

The deputy asked Gibson to get into the squad car. Gibson said

I'm not going to get in your car.

He then ran to his own car. The deputy subdued [1] Gibson, cuffed him and put him inside the patrol car. Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case says, Gibson began banging himself against the seat. The report says Gibson told the deputy,

You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you.

The report also says "Gibson almost continually [sic] threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me."

Gibson launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements:

F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.

Are you a Jew?

Arriving at the police station, a sergeant started videotaping Gibson. When Mel saw the camera, he said

What the f*** do you think you're doing?

Gibson noticed a female sergeant and yelled,

What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?

Gibson took two blood alcohol tests, which were videotaped, and continued saying how "f****d" he was and how he was going to "f***" the arresting officer, Deputy Mee.

Deputy Mee thought Gibson was going to take a leak on the floor of his cell and had someone take Gibson to a bathroom. After finishing up business, Gibson demanded to make a phone call. He was taken to a pay phone and, when he didn't get a dial tone, we're told Gibson threw the receiver against the phone. Deputy Mee warned Gibson that if he damaged the phone he could be charged with felony vandalism.

On Saturday, of course, Gibson was contrite [excerpts]:

...I drove a car when I should not have, and was stopped by the LA County Sheriffs. The arresting officer was just doing his job and I feel fortunate that I was apprehended before I caused injury to any other person....

...I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true...

...I apologize for any behavior unbecoming of me in my inebriated state and have already taken necessary steps to ensure my return to health...

[1] A great police word that may mean anything from ordering the "suspect" to stop to truncheoning him senseless with your "baton," or billyclub.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Crosby Stills Nash & Young at the White River Amphitheatre July 27th

It's been 37 years since Crosby Stills Nash & Young's first serious appearance--at Woodstock, on August 17, 1969-- and America is more lost than ever.

During Woodstock, we were in the middle of a massive escalation of the Vietnam War. Today, we're in the Middle-east and Afghanistan, waging a new war against some other people that don't really seem like our enemies ("don't feel like Satan/But I am to them"). We don't burn flags, we blog. It might have worked better when we burned flags, and protested, wore black armbands to Kent-Meridian high school, and burned down the ocassional draft board office.

Neil Young, earlier this year, was pissed off enough to create a new album, completely focused on The President and His War. So rather than sitting around waiting for someone else , he took matters into his own hands. The resulting album Living With War, is a searing indictment of our leaders, and of ourselves for following along. Neil talked his old confederates, Crosby, Stills, and Nash into taking the album on the road, as part of a CSNY tour. The show would give a nod to the oldies; the songs that everyone can sing along with. But it would focus on The War.

Opening with the song Flags of Freedom, the stage showed flags from all the countries of the "coalition." Our partners in crime.

Neil used his love of his adopted country like a bludgeon, lashing out at government, consumers and war. The set included a lot of chestnuts like Carry On, Wooden Ships, Long Time Gone, and some others, including my favorite Nash song, Military Madness. The highlight of course were the songs from Young's Living With War: Flags of Freedom, After The Garden, Living With War, Restless consumer, Shock and Awe.

The second set started with some moldy oldies, Helplessly hoping, Our House, Guinevere, and the like, and then went into the solo work. Stills had an interesting song, that he played with only Young--Treetop Flyer. It was also the only time he seemed to shake off the doldrums. Crosby too, often seemed a little bored; it has probably not been easy for him to take a back seat. Some of the best vocal work in the show was between the frequent collaborators, Crosby and Nash.

This second set included some more Living With War tunes, like Roger And Out, and the centerpiece of the set was the singalong Let's impeach the president, with excellent video and singlong lyrics on screen. The show ended with old political tunes, Ohio, Chicago, and Young's Rockin' in the Free World. Rockin' led to an extended cadenza of distortion and feedback with Young riding around the stage like a wild stallion. Because Neil was front and center for nearly the entire show, there was more feedback than at a Crazy Horse show, and by the end, the strings were all broken on his Les Paul. A mellow version of Woodstock was the only encore. And they were gone; ghosts gone modern in the twilight of their career. . . with Neil now in charge, and dragging his old friends back into relevance in a shining moment of music and protest.

A compendium of strange, warped, sweet, and wonderful statuary and sculpture from around the world has put together a collection of some of the world's most amusing sculptures and statues. Click here to see the photos.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Alien Lore 83 - The Great Fireball Cover-up Conspiracy

The facts here come from several sources, all of somewhat, per usual, murky provenance. Are we reading these for the truth or the story? As Old Chief Broom says in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, "it's all true, whether it happened or not."

The news media are known for magnifying events out of proportion to their actual significance (Presidential oral sex, POTUS 41 hurling on the Japanese P.M., VP Cheney swearing, and the like). In this instance, however, it seems as though the media worked hard to downplay the story.

On August 10, 1972, what is known in astronomy as a "fireball" occurred in the afternoon over the Rocky Mountain states, witnessed by thousands of people under its path from Utah straight north all the way into The Great White North. Fireballs are actually large meteors; one bright enough to see in daylight is extremely rare.

This fireball left a trail across the sky that lasted for several minutes. Morning papers of August 11 from the area where the fireball was most visible, Utah and Idaho, had long stories, by local reporters filled with eyewitness accounts. The articles had an AP photograph of the object's trail. West Coast and Midwestern papers carried truncated versions of a wire dispatch. The East coast press didn't cover the story at all. Only one television network, NBC, mentioned the event, saying that an airliner pilot had seen a flaming object--possibly a meteor--pass under his plane.

The AP dispatch most papers carried had no dateline. A few of the wire stories had it datelined Denver. "One or more" objects had been sighted over a wide area of the Mountain states, the articles went. The articles contained contradictory reports of their direction of travel and altitude. An FAA official was quoted saying that an object was seen at 80,000 feet over Missoula. The article, however, also mentioned the item about the object passing under an airliner flying "in Utah." It quoted NORAD, which keeps track of all orbiting objects (including, as you may recall, Santa Claus), as quoted a second-hand report of an object over Boise going from west to east. Sidney Hacher, an astronomy professor at Washington State University in Pullman was quoted saying that whatever was seen was probably part of the annual Perseid meteor shower, due to reach its maximum in the next few days. And it quoted a Mrs. Thomas Williams of Mead, Washington as having seen an object "about four feet in diameter."

Newspapers from the area where the fireball was actually seen published coherent accounts. In particular, there was no doubt that there was only one object and that it was moving from south to north. Patty Minton of the Idaho Statesman of Boise said, "Most observers, laymen and experts, agreed that the object was traveling fast and at great height." These papers raised the question of whether the object might be manmade. The Deseret News of Salt Lake City cited a NORAD statement issued late in the day that "it is either a space vehicle re-entering the earth's atmosphere or a meteor." The scientist these papers quoted, Mark Littman of the planetarium in Salt Lake City, said that the object was probably not part of the Perseid shower, but rather from the asteroid belt. Patty Minton, in her Statesman article, noted that experts differed on the object's origin. She had obviously read the AP dispatch -- she handled the object-under-the-airliner report this way:

"Associated Press reports from Denver said a Frontier Airlines pilot allegedly saw it pass underneath his plane while it was in flight over Utah."

The confusing situation portrayed by the AP dispatch suggests that it was dashed off fast after the fireball. The AP story was never updated.

The Spokane Spokesman-Review, close to the periphery of the viewing area, had a mixture of wire service feeds and local reporting in its story. It quoted an unidentified spokesman for Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane. The spokesman said the object "was a manmade satellite that broke away from its orbit." The spokesman's statements seem full of mininformation: "A meteor would look like a rock and generally would not be flaming." He also said the object might have "rejoined its orbit," which may be a first--space junk or meteors turning around and leaving the atmosphere!

The San Francisco Chronicle tried to resolve the contradictions in the feeds and local articles by artfully coimbining them: "A fireball, possibly a deteriorating meteor, flashed across the Great Basin and Rocky Mountains yesterday afternoon, dipped beneath an airliner and vanished, observers said."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

President Bush and the origins of the "you rock/devil horns" sign

For some reason, George Bush, his daughters, and wife often use the devil horns sign that I used to see only at rock shows. Fortunately, Ear Candy magazine did my work for me...they tracked down the genesis of the sign (but they did not explain how it came to be The President's sign too). Here is their article:

"Over the last few years there have been two artists that have claimed to have created the famous heavy metal "devil's horns" hand signal: Ronnie James Dio (BLACK SABBATH) and Gene Simmons (KISS).

"You know the "devil's horns" signal? It is the universal heavy metal sign for "you rock", usually used in unison with the music at heavy metal concerts. Not to get satanical or anything, but the sign is supposed to represent the sign of the beast, with horns represented by the index finger and pinkie raised. If you raise both hands with this sign, the band "really rocks!"

"There are two heavy metal rockers from the '70s both laying claim. Ronnie James Dio claimed to have created the gesture before joining BLACK SABBATH in 1978. Gene Simmons also claims credit, writing in his 2002 autobiography that it was the bass-playing demon of KISS that created the international heavy metal symbol. So there is no evidence that the symbol was created earlier than the '70s...or is there?!

"We have discovered irrefutable photographic evidence that is was none other than Beatle John Lennon that created the famous sign in 1967. Furthermore, it was even used in animation for the BEATLES "Yellow Submarine" (just check the original vinyl album cover). These are two photographic images that can be tied down to specific years PRIOR to the '70s.

"The photo of Lennon giving the sign appeared in one of the first BEATLES pictures in which the band promoted the upcoming "Yellow Submarine" animated movie. Since the BEATLES changed appearance often and were one of the most photographed icons of the '60s, it is possible to date the photo between June and October of '67. "Yellow Submarine" was being animated between '67 & '68, so the cartoon image of John flashing the heavy metal sign can also be verified date-wise. Although the film "Yellow Submarine" was released in 1968, the vinyl album (on which one can clearly see Lennon displaying the sign) was not released in the U.S. until 1969. But that is still years before Ronnie James Dio or Gene Simmons!

"What other ties does Lennon have to heavy metal? Well, he claimed that the BEATLES song, "Ticket To Ride" was "one of the earliest heavy metal records ever made". How fitting that it was Lennon who also created the best-known symbol of heavy metal! "


LBJ meets FDR

click photograph to enlarge

Congressman Lyndon Johnson is gladhanding President Roosevelt. In the middle is Texas Governor Allred. When LBJ would haul out this photo for use in later campaigns, he would have the Governor airbrushed from the photo, creating an intimate moment between FDR and Representative Johnson. Roosevelt's expression (this is, surprise, entirely conjectural on my part) seems to say "now. . .just who the f*** is this guy anyhow?"

S0me other recent LBJ appearances on All This Is That:

Lyndon listening in on the war
LBJ and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King meet up
LBJ howls like a dog
Another good LBJ photo
And another. . .
One of Jack's heroes and villains paintings
LBJ In A Characteristic Pose
Running Mates: Senators Lyndon Johnson And JFK
The Johnson Treatment, Part 6: The Hump and Senator Russell get the treatment
The Johnson Treatment, Part 5: Senator Richard Russell (Dem., Georgia) Undergoes The Treatment
The Johnson Treatment, Part 4: President Johnson Gives The Treatment To Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Drawing: The lost ones - Pt. 15, sooner or later

Paranoia strikes deep: The infamous George Dahl letter

Upon returning to New York I began looking for a place to live. I looked at around ten apartments and called to inquire about several others. Since the secret police had already selected and prepared an apartment for me this proved to be a futile endeavor. I signed a two-year lease for apartment twenty-four at 620 East 11th Street and moved to the building in November. The apartment provides me with a place to live but it also provides the secret police with a living environment they control. The building where I live, the surrounding buildings and the neighborhood serve as a theatrical set; and the "tenants" of my building, neighborhood characters, and intelligence agents stage a theatrical production. Controlling the immediate neighborhood is a security measure and it allows maximum freedom of action for staging operations. The building I live in is connected to four other buildings; when I look out my only window with a "view" (one window is boarded up and three others face an interior light well) I see the back of a row of buildings on 10th Street. These buildings form a unit that is flanked by three empty lots. the secret police use these nine buildings for staging operations and own some or all of them. The buildings may have been purchased but it is very likely that they were acquired from the City of New York through Mayor Koch. The city government owns many buildings in the area due to non-payment of taxes and abandonment. I believe most of these buildings have no tenants or caretaker tenants. The two largest buildings were being renovated when I moved to my apartment and appeared to be almost tenantless until the summer of 1982. Either they acquired tenants that summer or the secret police expended a greater effort to make them seem inhabited. The two buildings were renovated at a minimum cost of $500,000 each, so even if all the other buildings were acquired from the city, the secret police spent over one million dollars to provide me with a $115.00 a month slum apartment. ...

The basic strategy of the secret police is to be everpresent; at all times and in all places they make themselves an intrusive, oppressive and inescapable presence. They involve themselves in every detail of my life and are present everywhere I go. At first I dismissed the strategy of being everpresent as silly game-playing, but the intelligence agents responsible for planning operations clearly intended their use of thousands of collaborators to be a form of non-violent harassment; a psychological assault designed to have a negative psychological effect. Being everpresent is intended to be more of an invasion of consciousness than an invasion of privacy. Being everpresent is used as a means for stealing reality, and thus the ability to function normally in a real world. The secret police have imposed upon me a substitute reality; they have dismembered and appropriated the real world and placed me in a labyrinth of intelligence operations. It is difficult to relate to and impossible to adjust to the artificial, arbitrary and hostile living environment the secret police have created. By being everpresent they try to turn the most commonplace life experiences and the activities of daily life into a maze-like obstacle course and to make the living of everyday life a frustrating, unnatural and disorienting experience. Since secret police operations began I usually made a note of a detail or incident only if it stood out as unusually intrusive, offensive or bizarre. Sometimes I kept daily accounts of every aspect of secret police operations and listed every encounter with an agent or collaborator. Basing an estimate on the days and weeks when I counted agents and collaborators, and acknowledging that the nature and intensity of operations has changed over the years, I believe that a minimum of forty thousand American citizens have participated in secret police operations since they began in 1977. It is a curious reversal of everything this country has ever stood for that two Presidents, many of their closest associates and supporters, and personnel of law enforcement agencies now constitute the single largest group of citizens engaged in organized criminal activity.

I am followed everywhere partly as a security measure but also because it is necessary to know where I am at all times in order to conduct secret police operations. At any given moment several intelligence agents work together choreographing street theater and surveillance operations. Agents and collaborators follow me on foot and in vehicles; while maintaining radio contact, they pass me on like a relay team passes on a baton. Most of the surveillance agents appear to have been recruited from the FBI and the New York City Police Department. After observing my behavior and interests for over five years it is not hard for intelligence agents to predict when I am likely to go out and where I am likely to go. Whenever I leave my apartment I encounter intelligence agents, collaborators, and a theatrical production stage managed by the secret police. After several years this provocative annoyance has come to seem rather like running the gauntlet; a form of military punishment in which an individual is made to run between two rows of men who strike at him as he passes by. While descending the stairs from my apartment I usually meet one or more of the "tenants" trying hard to look as if they live in the building or staging a scene for me to observe. As I left the building one afternoon two fat men stood with their backs against opposite sides of the narrow first floor hall so that I had to turn sideways and step between them. Frequently groups of men are standing or sitting on the stoop when I go out or come in; sometimes blocking the steps so that I have to ask them to move. Several times a week one or more collaborators walk by me just as I step outside. On days when it is felt some special intimidation is necessary a police car will drive by as I go out and again as I come home. When I go out I almost always head west, walking through the intersection of 11th Street and Avenue B. Since I then might head in any of three directions, this is the only place that operations can be planned for with near certainty that I will enter into the staged scene. The secret police operations I encounter at this intersection are usually more elaborately detailed and choreographed than they are elsewhere, and it is very likely there are hidden cameras. There are usually twice as many people around this intersection as at any other in the neighborhood, frequently from ten to twenty people. A corner with a hardware store, a sometimes open grocery store and two abandoned buildings is not likely to be a favorite neighborhood hangout yet there are often groups of Puerto Rican and black men standing around. Often one or more collaborators will be placed on each corner so that the only way I can avoid them is to walk in the street. As I approach the intersection, a signal is given and people, most of whom are young men, start crossing the intersection from every direction; people walking on the sidewalks, boys riding by on bikes, and other people driving by in cars. Intelligence agents frequently use this kind of collaborator saturation placement at other intersections. This operational technique became obvious when several times, after having gone through intersections that were inexplicably busy, I stopped to count the number of people and vehicles that moved through the intersection during the next few minutes.

The majority of collaborators have been involved in one basic situation; a male child or a handsome young man (sometimes an ordinary looking or older man) presents himself to be looked at while other people observe me. Presumably, if I look at the conspicuously displayed bait the observer-witnesses claim to have seen proof of sexual interest or an attempted seduction. Within this basic situation the secret police have devised a relatively limited repertoire of scenes but with infinite variations. The actors have basic roles and patterns of interaction; it is somewhat like watching the same play over and over but each time with a new cast. A few thousand such scenes were staged to create incidents that could be used to discredit me, to manufacture "evidence" that I was immoral, and to make a fictitious propaganda portrait of me seem to be true. More time and effort have been invested in staging such scenes than in any other single aspect of secret police operations. Intelligence agents made such encounters the centerpiece of their operations because political leaders found that making an issue of homosexuality was their most effective means of gaining political support for a criminal conspiracy. Every system of morality, whether based on religious beliefs or philosophical principles, is concerned with the difference between right and wrong. Without defining what is right and what is wrong, everyone can nevertheless agree that morality is a hierarchical system; there are greater and lesser evils and there are greater and lesser goods. It is a wildly distorted sense of morality that considers two human beings expressing sexual desire or love for each other degenerate and immoral while considering a political conspiracy to violate a citizen's constitutional rights, the creation of an illegal domestic secret police, the police-state tactics of intelligence agents, and the suspension of the country's system of government by the rule of law, to be matters of no importance. ...

On Tuesday, September 8, I left my apartment around 3:30 intending to pay my Con Edison bill. Just as I stepped out of the building, a car that was waiting a few feet from me, pulled away from the curb accelerating rapidly, "burning rubber" as if it were in a drag race. The secret police frequently set up similar incidents as a distraction; I believe the screeching tires and the brazen display of contempt were intended to induce angry thoughts that would preoccupy me and influence my behavior. As I walked to the Con Edison office at 4 Irving Place I counted sixteen collaborators engaged in street theater; the next day I encountered at least twenty. At the Con Edison office I looked in the window; the office was unusually crowded and the bill-paying line seemed suspiciously long. I was generally apprehensive about entering a trap, so I decided to come back the next day. I left my apartment around 3:05 P.M. on Wednesday. Walking across 14th Street, I looked at every newsstand for a copy of the New York Times so that I would have something to read while waiting in line. Over a two year period I frequently bought or saw papers late in the afternoon at the various newsstands; it is highly unlikely they would have all been sold out. I believe intelligence agents asked the newspaper sellers to hide the papers so that I would have nothing to do while waiting except to observe the planned operation. Inside the main floor customer service office, intelligence agents placed a minimum of twenty-five people and it seemed as if all the employees had been given some sort of briefing and were participating in secret police operations. I joined the bill-paying line, there were around ten people in line and as I approached two young men placed themselves directly ahead of me in the line. Within a few minutes around fifteen more people lined up behind me. There were five bill paying windows. While I waited in line the clerks closed their windows until only one window was left open for customer service. The four people in front of me all went to the same window. I believe this was a delaying tactic to keep me in the office for a longer period of time. While waiting in line the secret police operation being staged was very obvious. Seven young men presented themselves to be looked at and a man and a woman each walked by me twice staring holes through me. The situation reminded me of the movie "The Sting." Sting operations are frequently used by law enforcement agencies; police agents create and operate fictitious companies as a means of entrapment. In this case intelligence agents set up an elaborate but thinly disguised covert operation within the office of a legitimate business. A few weeks earlier I found myself surrounded by game-playing collaborators in a line at my bank. I became angry and denounced them for participating in secret police operations. I believe intelligence agents chose to restage a similar scene in Con Edison's offices hoping to elicit the same or a similar response; an angry outburst that could be used as "proof" that through paranormal powers I had somehow triggered the transformer malfunction and resulting blackout. I was in the Con Edison office about ten minutes, from approximately 3:20 to 3:30; the power failure began at 3:24. I believe intelligence agents committed an act of sabotage timed to coincide with the provocative secret police operation being staged in Con Edison's office. The secret police involved at least forty people, many of them Con Edison employees, in staging their scene in Con Edison's office. Although these people were intended to witness an angry outburst they were also witnesses to the fact that intelligence agents were expending a great deal of effort to manufacture an incident. ...

Drawing: The lost ones - Pt. 16, the willies

click drawing to enlarge

I am a fraud. Everything you know about me is a lie. I can never tell the truth when a lie is close at hand. The lies multiply logarthmically. The best part is keeping the intertwined lies straight. It's my game, sorting out who I told when, and who they know who heard another version.
