Saturday, August 30, 2008

Alien Lore No. 137 - A Montage of alien hostages captured by the U.S.

This video reprises, with a suitably creepy score, many of the famous alien/grey/hybrid/Martian photos that have been circling the internet for many years now. You may have seen some them previously here in Alien Lore Nos. 1-136.


OK, they're not named Sunshine or Serenity, but Sara Palin's kids do sound like they were named by hippies

Sara Palin's kids sound like they were named by hippies (missing from picture: Trig):

Track, Bristol, Trig, Willow, and Piper.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to Senator John McCain!

click to enlarge

Shocker: Sara Palin chosen by McCain for VP slot

Governor Sara Palin rolling out the new Alaska quarter...

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain shocked almost everyone by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Campaign officials fed the news to NBC News this morning. Senator McCain passed over Mitty Romney, Kay Hutchinson, Joe Lieberman, and Tim Pawlenty when he opted for Palin. Alaska Governor Sara Palin has only occasionally been mentioned as a VP possibility, and has not really appeared on the leaked "short lists" of late. What seemed to tip the scales is a) the female factor; b) her pro-life position; c) the babe factor; and d) the "common folk" factor ("Well, shucks, she's just people like you and me"). The anti-abortion governor has less experience than Barack Obama and is virtually unknown outside Alaska and the northwest. But she is Christian, she was mostly unexpected, she's pro-life, she's not a Mormon, was never a Democrat, and has never feuded with John McCain (which sank Hutchinson's chances).

Palin is also currently under investigation by an independent investigator the state legislature hired to find out whether she tried to have a state official fire her ex-brother-in-law from his job as a state trooper.

In an August interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, she could not answer the question of whether she wanted the VP slot:

“until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day. I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here….”
She is the first woman and the first Alaskan on a Republican presidential ticket. Palin, 44, was elected Alaska's first woman governor in 2006.

Sara Palin has made at least one previous appearance on All This Is That:


November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008 - All I can say after this last inspiring week of the Democratic love-fest is that November 4th looms large and may well be my favorite day in the last 12 years (since November 5, 1996, when we voted in the last Democratic President).


The Hug: McCain hugs Bush and readies himself for four more years!


John McCain: "Senator, job well done." - Obama rocks the house in his acceptance speech

Senator McCain was in Ohio as Obama spoke, but after a series of negative convention week commercials, his campaign aired a one-night advertisement that complimented Obama and noted the speech occurred on the anniversary of King's famous address. Hey, this campaign showed just a hint of gracia, for the first time in a long time...

"Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America. Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, 'Congratulations,'" McCain says in the ad. "How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight Senator, job well done."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The worst wedding ever: the nightmare marriage of Maria del Pozzo della Cisterna to Amadeo, the Duke of Aosta and son of the King of Italy

I've been to some strange weddings over the years, but none matches what happened at the Princess Maria del Pozzo della Cisterna's marriage to Amadeo, duke of Aosta (and son of the king of Italy) on May 30th, 1867. On the day of Princess Maria and Duke Amadeo's wedding:

  • Her page (e.g., wardrobe mistress) hanged herself.

  • The gatekeeper of the palace where the wedding took place, slit his throat (possibly because he was in love with the page?). Slitting your own throat cannot be a cakewalk. But the gatekeeper did it, successfully.

  • The Colonel who led the wedding procession, collapsed with a "sun stroke," or heat exhaustion, and died.

  • After the marriage ceremony, the station manager was crushed beneath the wheels of the honeymoon train as it was leaving.

  • One of the king's advisers fell off his horse and died immediately.

  • The best man, presumably after witnessing all of this f**ked up stuff, shot himself.

  • Not long after the marriage ceremony, The Princess discovered her new husband was a degenerate philanderer with an eye for the gals. When she complained to his dad, the King of Italy, the King told her to pound sand.

Three years after this series of tragic events, Amadeo was elected the King of Spain. But Spain was so factionalized that he was unable to muster popular support, and his rule was punctuated by violent uprisings by and among the various warring political factions. He abdicated the Spanish throne in 1873 and went back to Italy. Maria della Cisterna died three years later, nine years after their disastrous wedding.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The last playground ditty: "On top of spaghetti"

Interestingly, the last playground rhyme I can remember is probably the most violent one. And it's always the teachers and principals who get the harshest treatment. I can't say I'm proud we sang these songs, but that's life; we did. And of all the people I went to school with, I don't recall any of them committing an act of violence (except the occasional knuckle-head fight in a bar or in the alley). Like I said earlier, I think these songs now would be cause for suspension or even expulsion. Back then, the songs were sick fantasies. Today, they could well be scripts or dress-rehearsals. . .

[to the tune of "On Top Of Old Smokey"]

On top of spaghetti, all covered in blood,
I shot my poor teacher with a 40 foot stud.

I shot her with glory, i shot her with pride,
I couldn't have missed her she was 40 feet wide.

I went to her funeral, I went to her grave,
Some people threw flowers, I threw a grenade.

I opened her coffin--she wasn't quite dead,
So I took a bazooka and blew off her head!


Barack's dispatch on "The Speech" by Michelle Obama & the speech video

Barack sent an email to the faithful, or at least those of us who have signed up, about his wife's excellent speech last night. Interestingly, my wife Keelin thought Michelle's speech paled in comparison to Senator Clinton's the next night (I am just about to watch it, in case you thought this was some sort of Frenchified Real Time Blogging®). I'm not so sure...although Hillary is fully capable of hitting it out of the park for Obama. I think she probably will. Whatever you think of Hillary and The Clintons in general, I think you know in your heart of hearts she will come out slugging and she will come out hard-core and absolutely for Barack Obama. Let's face it...there are very few core values Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama do not share. Tonight's the night for her to convince that curmudgeonly, recalcitrant, and intractable 30% of her supporters that can't get behind nominee Obama that they would not only be betraying Clinton herself, but the Democratic Party, and everything they fought for as Obama supports as well. Hold tight; let's see.

Obama's email:

Jack -

I am so lucky to be married to the woman who delivered that speech last night.

Michelle was electrifying, inspiring, and absolutely magnificent. I get a lot of credit for the speech I gave at the 2004 convention -- but I think she may have me beat.

You have to see it to believe it.

And make sure to forward this email to your friends and family -- they'll want to see it too.

You really don't want to miss this.

And I'm not just saying that because she's my wife -- I truly believe it was the best speech of the campaign so far.


Here is the video of the speech, in case you missed it:


Senator John McSame: The Double-talk express video & The Real McCain video

The great thing about John McCain is that you don't really have to rant, or write anything at all. You just let him do the work for you. Check out these video compilations of The Senator talking. . .

Florida man, angry at Michell Obama speech has an armed standoff with SWAT Team

A New Port Richey, FLA man who was angered by Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC in Denver was arrested after a six-hour standoff with SWAT team members.

A Sheriff's office spokesman--Kevin Doll--said the man will undergo a psychological evaluation.

The standoff started after the man ran out of his RV, yelling and firing a gun.

The SWAT team fired riot gas into the man's home, but he stayed in the house until about 5 a.m. Tuesday. I thought the speech was quite good, myself.