Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1846 daguerreotype of The White House by John Plumbe

courtesy of the Library of Congress Digital Collections & Services - your tax dollars at work

Scratchboard drawing: "When you look into his eyes, it's like someone else is behind the wheel"

By Jack Brummet
[4"x6" scratchboard with No. 2 scratch nib]

The same image, digitally reversed:


Scratchboard drawing: The associate professor

By Jack Brummet
[4"6" scratchboard, with a No. 2 scratch nib]

 The Same image, digitally reversed:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to Lanky Link!

By Jack Brummet, Presidents Editor

Happy Birthday to President Abraham Lincoln, a President most of us (above the Mason-Dixon line) think is one of the greats.   Sadly, his birthday has been largely subsumed into "President's Day," which is officially, and actually, just George Washington's birthday.

Some of our favorite photos and drawings of Abe:


Mitt Romney: Fading Fast


The most insane Sasquatch story ever--Dennis Daryl's "Living in the heart of bigfoot country"

The author of this story sent it to Bigfoot Encounters, another Blogspot blog.  It is a rambling, shaggy and improbable tale. It would be great, even if only 10% of it happened.   Dennis Daryl, naturally, claims it is "100% truth."   It's hard to tell if he is pulling our collective leg with a pretty epic troll, or if actually believes all this happened to him.  In any case, if you have a taste for this sort of thing (and I do), it is a fascinating train-wreck.
Click here to read the story Living In The Heart Of Bigfoot Country at Bigfoot Evidence.  You won't regret it.  Well, you might.



Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Republican hero: Washington State's Maureen Walsh

By Jack Brummet, Washington State Editor

A Republican in our state, Representative Maureen Walsh, gave a courageous and emotional speech in favor of the same sex marriage bill wending its way through our legislature.  This couldn't have been an easy thing to do as a Republican, and she did a great job, stating correctly that this is not an issue of parties, but an issue of conscience.

She is being celebrated across the nation (and certainly also being vilified in the darker corners) today for her courage and straight-ahead plain thinking.  Thank you Rep. Walsh!


Watercolor: a study for Armada

by Jack Brummet

I found this painting folded up in the middle of a long-dormant pile of cast aside art.  It's from 23 years ago.  I think I am going to try to actually do this painting now. . .

click to enlarge