Thursday, November 13, 2014

Five Poems: The Golden Rule; The Glass Is Not Half-Full; It's Getting Crowded; Limits; Surviving

By Jack Brummet 

The Golden Rule

Listen to the songbirds
But keep an eye 
On the buzzard section. 

The glass is not half-full

I saw our dreams
Like a white pony 
A low grassy hill. 

It's Getting Crowded

We cover the earth
With Venn Diagrams
As our steps
Bisect old steps. 


We like to believe
We could endure anything for five minutes 

But that theory, cooked up 
In your hermetic study or bedroom, 

Comes apart at the seams 
When you imagine being on fire 

Or having crows feast 
Upon your eyes. 


Salvation lies
In remaining unblinded 

To the treachery 
Massing around you:

The enemy without,
Calculating your fall 

And the traitor within,
Beating in your chest.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Science!: A feather and a bowling ball fall in a vacuum

By Jack Brummet, Amateur Physics Ed.

I remember from physics class that all objects fall at the same rate in a vacuum.  But I'd never seen it.  The money shot starts at 2:50 on this YouTube video. . .


Five crazy GIFs from Russia

By Jack Brummet, Russian Ed.


Drawing: Faces #945

By Jack Brummet


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Betty and John Brummet, Veterans of the Navy, Army, and Marine Corps

By Jack Brummet, Military Ed.

Seaman and Corporal John Newton Brummet, Jr. (I'm the 3rd). He was in the Army before the war, and in the Navy during. That's him on the left. I only have three pictures of my dad in the army. This is, of course, my favorite.  He died in 1964.

Below this is a drawing of my mom, Corporal Betty Echo Jones Brummet, U.S. Marines in 1945 (she's still here at 91).

Happy Veteran's Day, veterans.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Throne Thrusters are about to launch a rocket powered outhouse

By Jack Brummet, Rockets and Jet Propulsion Ed.

In a couple of weeks, these guys are launching a rocket-powered outhouse/honey bucket.  They don't provide a lot of details, but I assume it won't make it into near space (12 miles up ish).

Three Oaks, Mich. (AP) — "A group of Michigan rocket enthusiasts is preparing to conduct an experiment involving a modified porta-potty."

"The group, dubbed "The Throne Thrusters," plans to launch the portable restroom thousands of feet into the air near Three Oaks. The group is mainly composed of members of Michiana Rocketry, a local high-power rocketry club that frequently launches rockets, according to Larry Kingman of The Throne Thrusters. The project has been in the works for about two-and-a-half years."
"In this Oct. 26, 2014 photo provided by The Throne Thrusters, members of the a group calling themselves "The Throne Thrusters" work on their modified porta-potty rocket in LaPorte, Ind. The rocket has been equipped with cameras, parachutes, seven motors and measuring equipment in preparation for a planned launch on Nov. 22 near Three Oaks, Mich. The group is mainly composed of members of Michiana Rocketry, a local high-power rocketry club that frequently launches rockets, according to Larry Kingman of The Throne Thrusters. (AP Photo/The Throne Thrusters, Larry Kingman)"

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Papa Francisco a/ka Pope Francis's one man mission to spread love, compassion, and inclusion

By Jack Brummet, RC Church Ed.

Some on his list are obvious, but still sweet and thoughtful. I'm not a Catolico (about 150 people in my family are), and thus have no real standing to speak of, but it feels Il Papa is pushing the church into Century 21 with a holy turbo bulldozer.
With the wars, and elections, and distractions (e.g., Too Many Cooks), we sometimes miss this one-man revolution. Every other day he comes down on the right side of things and cajoles his church--and the rest of us--to step up. This Holy Man is for real. The Papacy has slumbered since Pope John left in 1963; it's making up for lost time at a furious pace. inclusion, forgiveness, Inclusion, love and compassion, INCLUSION. ¡Excelsior Papa Francisco! Long may you run.


Too Many Cooks - an 11 minute, stunning 80's sitcom parody

"Too Many Cooks" - It is a humorous, original, parody of the 1980's sitcoms that descends into complete insanity. It was created on Adult Swim.  Highly recommended. Watch it through--don't give up early.  It gets extremely twisted.


Friday, November 07, 2014

2014 Mid-term post-mortem: we effed up

By Jack Brummet, Democratic Party Ed.

This rout had to happen.  It happened because the Democrats let negative campaigning from the GOP and its many PACs dominate the discussion.  They failed to capitalize on the adversaries' lunatic fringe that has become the center.  They failed by every possible measure, actually.

It happens every so many years (and far less to the Dems over the last 60 years).  We've gotten sloppy, and weak. We didn't capitalize on some of the amazing recoveries during the Obama years,  They pretty much kept him bottled up in the White House.

Now we have our slap in the face and can rally for 2016.  The Republican Family Values Party will do far less damage than you think.  And don't forget. . .we still have the filibuster we've bitched about for years.  And now we're going to need it.  Don't kid yourselves, the GOP are spooked.   Things have been going reasonably well and they're not quite sure how to make that continue.  They have to lead now instead of lobbing potshots from the sidelines. There's a big difference.

It may take a while, friends, but soon this will all be in the rear view mirror.
