Monday, December 01, 2014

Congressperson Michelle Bachmann covers Macklemore's "Thrift Shop"

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.

Michelle Bachmann, the soon to be retiring U.S. Representative, posted a video today in which she quotes/covers Macklemore's Thrift Shop.  I'm going to miss The Representative.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Drawing: Faces #958 - Rhonda

By Jack Brummet


Poem: [you can’t see earth]

By Jack Brummet

You can't see earth
From the dark side of the moon
But maybe that changes

With the accelerating deceleration
Of the moon and earth.
A waning Gibbous moon

Dangles 1.3 light seconds away,
The Sea of Tranquility
A menacing sinkhole.

The moon
And the fog
Are in cahoots

And the fog slithers in,
Wraps itself around houses,
Trees, shrubs, and churches,

And threads its way
Along the ground,
Like a horror movie fog.

I wonder if the fog and moon
Really trigger
Mayhem, madness, and murder?

Do our brains have tides?

After the Elks football game, Springerville, Arizona 1972

By Jack Brummet

This is a pretty interesting photographic print I found in a Goodwill about 20 years ago.  I can't decipher the photographer's name, but the legend in pencil beneath the print says "Homecoming Springerville, Arizona.  Elks. 1972."


Friday, November 28, 2014

"The Fish from April": let's go humaning!

By Jack Brummet

I can't find the book in which this originally appeared.  Wikipedia Commons, and show numerous people who have used the image, but so far, no hints as to what book where this first appeared.  In any case, we'll call it context unknown and share it with you.  There is a class of images that focus on animals turning the tables on their homo sapien oppressors, of which this is clearly one.
