Saturday, December 27, 2014

President's Nixon's Enemies List

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.

President Nixon's enemies list was part of a bizarre plan known as the “Political Enemies Project.” The list became public knowledge when John Dean mentioned it during his testimony before the the Senate Watergate Committee.  Journalist Daniel Schorr, who was on the list, managed to obtain copies of it later that day.

The White House Counsel's Office (John Dean), said the list was kept was to use tax audits from the Internal Revenue Service, and by manipulating "grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc."  In a memorandum from John Dean to Lawrence Higby (August 16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list:
“This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our Administration; stated a bit more bluntly—how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies."
IRS commissioner Donald C. Alexander refused to launch audits of the people on the list. In fact, John Dean later said that no real action was ever taken against any of the "enemies."
  • Birch Bayh
  • J. W. Fulbright
  • Fred R. Harris
  • Harold Hughes 
  • Edward M. Kennedy
  • George McGovern
  • Walter Mondale 
  • Edmund Muskie
  • Gaylord Nelson
  • William Proxmire
Members of the House of Representatives
  • Bella Abzug
  • William R. Anderson 
  • John Brademas
  • Father Robert Drinan 
  • Robert Kastenmeier
  • Wright Patman
Black Congressmen and Congresswomen
  • Shirley Chisholm
  • William Clay
  • George Collins
  • John Conyers 
  • Ronald Dellums
  • Charles Diggs
  • Augustus Hawkins
  • Ralph Metcalfe 
  • Robert N.C. Nix
  • Parren Mitchell
  • Charles Rangel
  • Louis Stokes
Other politicians
  • John Lindsay, Mayor of New York City 
  • Eugene McCarthy, former U.S senator 
  • George Wallace, Governor of Alabama
  • Sargent Shriver, former director of the Peace Corps and 1972 Democratic Party Vice Presidential candidate
  • Black Panthers, Hughie Newton [sic]
  • Brookings Institution, Lesley Gelb [sic] and others
  • Business Executives Move for VN Peace. Henry Niles, national chairman, Vincent McGee. executive director
  • Committee for an Effective Congress. Russell Hemenway
  • Common Cause, John Gardner, Morton Halperin,Charles Goodell, Walter Hickel
  • Congressional Black Caucus 
  • COPE, Alexander E Barkan
  • Council for a Livable World, Bernard T. Feld, pr idem: professor of physics. MIT
  • Farmers Union, NFO
  • Institute of Policy study Richard Barnet, Marcus Raskin
  • National Economic Council, Inc.
  • National Education Association, Sam M. Lambertpresident 
  • National Student Association, Charles Palmer[disambiguation needed] president
  • National Welfare Rights Organization, George Wiley
  • Potomac Associates, William Watts
  • SANE, Sanford Gottlieb
  • Southern Christian Leadership, Ralph Abernathy;
  • Third National Convocation on the Challenge of Building Peace, Robert V Roosa, chairman
  • Businessmen's Educational Fund.
  • Karl Feller president, International Union United Brewery. Flour, Cereal, Soft Drink and Distillery Workers, Cincinnati
  • Harold J. Gibbons, international vice president,Teamsters
  • A F Grospiron, president, Oil, Chemical Atomic Workers International Union, Denver
  • Matthew Guinan, president, Transport Work. Union of America, New York City 
  • Paul Jennings, president, International Union Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers, Washington D.C.
  • Herman D. Kenin, vice president, AFL-CIO. D
  • Lane Kirkland, secretary-treasurer. AFL-CIO (we must deal with him)
  • Frederick O'Neal. president. Actors and Artists America, New York City
  • William Pollock, president, Textile Workers Union of America, New York City 
  • Jacob Potofsky general president, Amalgam. Clothing Workers of America, New York City
  • Leonard Woodcock, president, United Auto Workers,Detroit
  • Jerry Wurf, international president, American Federal, State, County and Municipal Employ Washington D.C.
  • Nathaniel Goldfinger, AFL-CIO
  • I. W. Abel, Steelworkers
  • Jack Anderson, columnist, "Washington Merry-Go-Round"
  • Jim Bishop, author, columnist, King Features Syndicate
  • Thomas Braden, columnist, Los Angeles Times Syndicate
  • D. J. R. Bruckner, Los Angeles Times Syndicate
  • Marquis Childs, chief Washington correspondent, St. Louis Post Dispatch
  • James Deakin, White House correspondent, St. Louis Post Dispatch
  • James Doyle, Washington Star
  • Richard Dudman, St. Louis Post Dispatch
  • Jules Duscha [sic], Washingtonian
  • William Eaton, Chicago Daily News
  • Rowland Evans Jr., syndicated columnist, Publishers Hall
  • Saul Friedmann, Knight Newspapers, syndicated columnist
  • Clayton Fritchey, syndicated columnist Washington correspondent. Harpers
  • George Frazier, Boston Globe
  • Lou Gordon, The Detroit News columnist and television talk show host
  • Katharine Graham, editor, The Washington Post
  • Pete Hamill, New York Post
  • Michael Harrington, author and journal member, executive committee Socialist party
  • Sydney J. Harris, columnist, drama critic and writer of 'Strictly Personal,' syndicated Publishers Hall 
  • Robert Healy, Boston Globe
  • William Hines, Jr., journalist. science education,Chicago Sun Times
  • Stanley Karnow, foreign correspondent, Washington Post
  • Ted Knap, syndicated columnist, New York Daily News
  • Erwin Knoll, Progressive
  • Morton Kondracke, Chicago Sun Times
  • Joseph Kraft, syndicated columnist, Publishers Hall
  • James Laird, Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Max Lerner, syndicated columnist, New York Post: author, lecturer, professor (Brandeis University)
  • Stanley Levey, Scripps Howard
  • Flora Lewis syndicated columnist on economics
  • Stuart Loory, Los Angeles Times
  • Mary McGrory, syndicated columnist on New Left
  • Frank Mankiewicz, syndicated columnist Los Angeles Times
  • James Millstone, St. Louis Post Dispatch
  • Martin Nolan, Boston Globe
  • Ed Guthman, Los Angeles Times
  • Thomas O'Neill, Baltimore Sun
  • John Pierson, Wall Street Journal
  • William Prochnau, Seattle Times 
  • James Reston, New York Times
  • Carl Rowan, syndicated columnist, Publishers Hall
  • Warren Unna, Washington Post, NET
  • Harriet Van Horne, columnist, New York Post
  • Milton Viorst, reporter, author, writer
  • James Wechsler, New York Post
  • Tom Wicker, New York Times
  • Garry Wills, syndicated columnist, author of Nixon Agonistes
  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • St Louis Post Dispatch
  • Robert Manning, editor, Atlantic
  • John Osborne, New Republic
  • Richard Rovere, New Yorker
  • Robert Sherrill, Nation
  • Paul Samuelson, Newsweek
  • Julian Goodman, chief executive officer, NBC
  • John Macy, Jr, president, Public Broadcasting Corp, former Civil Service Commission
  • Marvin Kalb, CBS
  • Daniel Schorr, CBS
  • Lem Tucker, NBC
  • Sander Vanocur, NBC
  • Carol Channing, actress
  • Bill Cosby, comedian
  • Jane Fonda, actress and political activist 
  • Dick Gregory, comedian and civil rights and peace activist.
  • Steve McQueen, actor
  • Joe Namath, former New York Jets Quarterback
  • Paul Newman, actor 
  • Gregory Peck, actor
  • Tony Randall, actor
  • Barbra Streisand, actress and singer
Business people
  • Charles B. Beneson, president, Beneson Realty Co.
  • Nelson Bengston, president, Bengston & Co.
  • Holmes Brown, vice president, public relations,Continental Can Co.
  • Benjamin Buttenweiser, limited partner, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
  • Lawrence G. Chait, chairman Lawrence G. Chait & Co., Inc.
  • Ernest R. Chanes, president, Consolidated Water Conditioning Co.
  • Maxwell Dane, chairman, executive committee, Doyle, Dane & Bernbach, Inc.
  • Charles H. Dyson, chairman, the Dyson-Kissner Corp.
  • Norman Eisner, president, Lincoln Graphic Arts. 
  • Charles B. Finch, vice president, Alleghany Power System, Inc.
  • Katharine Graham, editor and publisher, The Washington Post
  • Frank Heineman, president, Men's Wear International.
  • George Hillman, president, Ellery Products Manufacturing Co.
  • Bertram Lichtenstein, president, Delton Ltd.
  • William Manealoff, president, Concord Steel Corp.
  • Gerald McKee, president, McKee, Berger, Mansueto. 
  • Paul Milstein, president, Circle Industries Corp.
  • Stewart R. Mott, Stewart R. Mott, Associates.
  • Lawrence S. Phillips, president, Phillips-Van Heusen Corp.
  • David Rose chairman, Rose Associates.
  • Julian Roth senior partner, Emery Roth & Sons.
  • William Ruder, president, Ruder & Finn, Inc.
  • Si Scharer, president, Scharer Associates, Inc.
  • Alfred P. Slaner, president, Kayser-Roth Corp.
  • Roger Sonnabend, chairman, Sonesta International Hotels.
Business additions
  • Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace and New National Priorities
  • Morton Sweig, president. National Cleaning Contractors 
  • Alan V. Tishman, executive vice president, Tishman Realty & Construction Co., Inc.
  • Ira D. Wallach, president, Gottesman & Co., Inc. 
  • George Weissman,, president, Philip Morris Corp.
  • Ralph Weller, president, Otis Elevator Company
  • Clifford Alexander, Jr., member, Equal Opportunity Commission; LBJ's special assistant
  • Hugh Calkins, Cleveland lawyer, member, Harvard Corp
  • Ramsey Clark, partner, Weiss, Goldberg, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; former attorney general
  • Lloyd Cutler, lawyer, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, Washington, D.C.
  • Henry L. Kimelman, chief fund raiser for McGovern. president, Overview Group
  • Raymond Lapin, former president, FNMA; corporation executive
  • Hans F. Loeser, chairman, Boston Lawyers' Vietnam Committee
  • Robert McNamara, president, World Bank; former Secretary of Defense 
  • Hans Morgenthau, a pioneer in the field of international relations theory.
  • Victor Palmieri, lawyer, business consultant, real estate executive, Los Angeles.
  • Arnold Picker, Muskie's chief fund raiser; chairman executive committee, United Artists
  • Robert S. Pirie, Harold Hughes' chief fund raiser: Boston lawyer.
  • Joseph Rosenfield, Harold Hughes' money man; retired Des Moines lawyer.
  • Henry Rowen, president, Rand Corp., former assistant director of budget (LBJ)
  • R Sargent Shriver, Jr., former US. ambassador to France; lawyer, Strasser, Spiefelberg, Fried, Frank & Kempelman, Washington, D.C. [1972 Democratic vice presidential candidate] 
  • Theodore Sorensen, lawyer, Weiss, Goldberg, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, New York.
  • Ray Stark, Broadway producer.
  • Howard Stein, president and director, Dreyfus Corporation.
  • Milton Semer, chairman, Muskie Election Committee; lawyer, Semer and Jacobsen
  • George H. Talbot, president, Charlotte Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. ; headed anti-Vietnam ad
  • Arthur Taylor, vice president, International Paper Company [presently CBS president]
  • Jack Valenti, president, Motion Picture Association.
  • Paul Warnke, Muskie financial supporter, former assistant secretary of defense
  • Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Muskie financial supporter; chairman, IBM
  • Michael Ellis DeBakey, chairman, department of surgery, Baylor College of Medicine; surgeon-in-chief,Ben Taub General Hospital. Texas
  • Derek Curtis Bok, dean, Harvard Law School
  • Kingman Brewster, Jr., president, Yale University.
  • McGeorge Bundy, president, Ford Foundation.
  • Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics, MIT
  • Carl Djerassi, professor of chemistry, and co-inventor of the first oral contraceptive pill Stanford University
  • Daniel Ellsberg, professor, MIT.
  • George Drennen Fischer, member, executive committee. National Education Association 
  • J. Kenneth Galbraith, professor of economics, Harvard
  • Patricia Harris, educator, lawyer, former US. ambassador; chairman welfare committee Urban League
  • Walter Heller, regents professor of economics,University of Minnesota
  • Edwin Land, inventor of instant photography.
  • Herbert Ley, Jr., former FDA commissioner; professor of epidemiology, Harvard.
  • Matthew Stanley Meselson, professor of biology,Harvard
  • Lloyd N. Morrisett, professor and associate director, education program, University of California 
  • Joseph Rhodes, Jr., fellow, Harvard; member,Scranton commission on Campus Unrest
  • Bayard Rustin, civil rights activist; director, A. Philip Randolph Institute, New York.
  • David Selden, president, American Federation of Teachers.
  • Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., professor of humanities, City University of New York
  • Jeremy Stone, director, Federation of American Scientists
  • Jerome Wiesner, president, MIT.
  • Samuel M. Lambert, president, National Education Association

A strange poem on a failed painting

By Jack Brummet

I found this old painting I did (maybe 20 years ago). It was stashed away somewhere at my in-laws mansion, and surfaced as people were cleaning it out.  The painting was failed, clearly.  It had scratch outs and cancellation marks all over the canvas.  But I'd also tried to write a poem on a patch of red paint.

Jack Brummet in The Rumble


Monday, December 22, 2014

"The President is not available, Mr. Prime Minister"

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.

Brent Scowcroft and Dr. Henry Kissinger put off the PM of England, Edward Heath, while President Nixon is in the bag. . .


Saturday, December 20, 2014

God's Own Drunk by Lord Buckley

I’d like to do a little creative wig bubble for you called “God’s Own Drunk”

Said, just like I say before, I'm a non-drinkin' man. Never drank for some reason or other - didn't like it. But like I said, too, I promised to take care of my brother-in law's still while he went in to vote.
Went up there and it was just where the map said it was. And I'm a gonna tell ya somethin', there was no li'l old five or ten cent still. It was laid there just like a golden mountain opal. With a kind of a honey dew cry a comin' from it.

I aren't a drinkin' man like I explained to you but that big old yellow moon was a hangin' out there, and God's lanterns was a hangin' in the sky and that curiosity got the best of me. And I took a slash. And I got a crazy revolutionary feelin' in my body. That yellow whiskey went down my throat like honeydew vine water. Huuuuh!!! It tasted mighty good! I felt a revolution goin' through my body like there was a great neon sign's a goin' up and sayin' "There's a great life a comin'!"

I could feel it talkin' to me and I took another slash and I got another jolt and I took another slash and I started to sing. I started to sing and that big ol' yellow moon a hangin' out there and God's sweet lanterns are hangin' in the sky. And I’s a singin'. Never could sing a note before in my life but I was singin' as fine and as pretty as you'd ever wanna hear.

And I took another slash. And then I took a big, full - that big ol' yellow moon a hangin' out there, God's lanterns hangin' in the sky, and suddenly I got a tremendous revolution of emotion in my body, like I was fallin' in love with everything in God's sweet world that moved.  Lived, didn't live, animate, inanimate, black, blue, green, pink, mountains, fountains. I was in love with life. 'Cause I was DRUNK!

I wasn't fallin' down slippin 'n' slidin' drunk, I was God's own drunk - a fearless man.
And that's when I first saw the bear. Big ol' Kodiak lookin' fellah about 16 foot tall. I walked right on up to that bear 'cause I was God's own drunk and I loved everything in this world, walked right up tight to 'im about four and a half feet and I looked right up in his eyes and I wanna tell you somethin' brothers and sisters, my eyes was redder 'n his was - hung 'im up.

And he's a sniffin', he's a sniffin', he's trying to smell some fear - he can't do it cause I'm God's own drunk, and I'm a fearless man. He expects me to do two things - flip or fly - I don't do either, hangs 'im up.

I told him, I said, "Mr. Bear, I'm God's own drunk and I love every hair on your twenty seven acre body. I'm a fearless man."

I said, "I want you to go - I know you got bear friends over the hill there, Harry Bear and Tim Bear and Jelly Bear and Tony Bear and Teddy Bear, Phil Bear, Hazel Bear, John Bear, Pete Bear and Rare Bear. Go over and tell all of 'em that I'm God's own drunk tonight, and I love everything in God's green creation, and I love them like brothers. But if they give me any trouble. I'm gonna run every GOD DAMN one of 'em off the hill!"

I moved up, don't you know he moved back two feet. I reached up and took the bear by the hand. I said, "Mr. Bear, we're both beasts when it comes right down to it."

He's a lookin' down at me. I said, "I want you to come with me. You're gonna be my buddy, buddy bear."

Took him right by his big ol' shaggy island size hand and led him on over, sat him down by the still.
Well, he's sniffin', he's sniffin, he's knows there's honey dew around there, some kind of honey bear honey dew of some kind, he's a sniffin'. I know what he's a sniffin' at. I took a slash or two myself to taste her out and I filled him a bottle. Did ya ever see them bears, the silhouette a them bears at the circus suckin' up that sarsaparilla Aaaaah it was a fine lookin' sight.

And he downed another bottle and he downed another bottle and I put two more on 'im and pretty soon he started sniffin' and snortin', tapped his foot. He got up and started to do the Bear Dance - two sniffs, three snorts, a half a turn and one grunt. And I'm tryin' to do it, but I couldn't do it 'cause it was just like a jitterbug dance - it was so simple it evaded me.

But we was a dancin' and yellin', and God's sweet moon hangin' in the sky and God's sweet lanterns out there and there's jubilation and love on that hill and finally it piled up and up and up and got so strong it overwhelmed my soul. And I laid back on that sweet green hill with that big ol' buddy bear paw right in mine and I went to sleep.

And I slept for four hours and dreamt me some tremulous dreams. And when I woke up, that ol' yellow moon was a hangin' in the sky, and God's sweet lanterns was out there, and my buddy the bear was a missin'. And you want to know somethin' else brothers and sisters? So was the still.